Is My Platy Pregnant?


New Member
Apr 11, 2012
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I bought 3 platy fish yesterday and was curious if they could be pregnant. This is a picture of one of them but they all look pretty much the same...

It is more than likely to be yes, looks to me around the 2 week stage.

can you get a over head view?

Check out my pinned thread for all the info you need to know about when your fiash will have its babies CLICK HERE
Here are 2 more pics.. One I was trying to get the "white spot" behind the bottom fin that is on 2 of the platy fish and the other is a top view...

thanks for getting the new view, i would still say around 2 weeks, but she aint that big so could possibly 3 weeks, she is definitely pregnant. keep and eye on her and look out for signs of her getting ready to drop.

have a good read of my article in that link i gave you, it tells you everything you will need to know.

any questions feel free to ask away im here to help :)

it helps to keep a diary of your females drops, you will see a regular pattern of how often each individual female drops.
Just a couple new pics from today.... I scooped her into the breeder box for a couple minutes which made it MUCH easier to get decent pictures! Still nice and round. I am very excited to watch her over the next couple weeks and see what it's like to be "squared off" and drop. As a first timer it is SO interesting! :)

I noticed earlier today that my platy was kinda just laying around the bottom of the tank and didn't come up to feed when I put food in. So I scooped her into the breeder and checked on her throughout the afternoon. I left for about an hour and a half and came home to six fry at the bottom of the breeder trap. I have been keeping an eye on her for the past ten minutes and she hasn't dropped any additional fry. Should I take her out? Could she be done?
These are her pictures from this afternoon before the fry were dropped...


And here is a pic of a few of the new fry...
Congrats, dont forget to write down her drop dates. when a fish is only small its abit harder to get it right, i did say "i would still say around 2 weeks, but she aint that big so could possibly 3 weeks" its been 5 days since i said that so was a couple of days out from the average gestation period, which aint to bad :)
she will look a lot thinner when she has finished, so once she looks like she is thinner and her belly aint dropped down anymore, wait a couple of hours and if nothing then release her.
Well, I came back to see of there were any new fry to find the breeder trap with no mama fish. She must have jumped out!!! I don't see how that is possible but she is swimming around the tank and there are 2 fry in the tank now. How do I get them into the breeder box??
they can easily jump out off traps, can u not scoop the fry with your fish net?
I ended up doing just that. I was afraid to hurt them but they are fine :) thank you
A female will drop her fry rather regularly until she is done. She might pause for a few minutes but that is about all. If you do not see a new fry in a period of around 10 minutes, she is done. At tat point you can do whatever it is you intend to do to preserve fry. In my case that means removing the female from the drop tank. If you use a breeder trap, it is time to return the female to the main tank.

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