I have recently set up a 50 gallon tank. I have two Oscars and 3 plecos. recently both Oscars started hanging around the bottom of the tank. I have looked up some info on pregnant Oscars and they are doing everything that it says they will do if pregnant except for digging the hole in the rocks. I watched my Oscar stay hidden behind the rocks and I assume she was laying her eggs. then when she moved the male Oscar immediately went to where she was. This is where it gets strange. the Oscar is only about 2 maybe 3 inches long. medium-sized Oscars at your local Petsmart. also what I thought might be eggs doesn't look like the pictures I've seen. kind of a cloudy film around what looks like a piece of food un eaten or Orange poop. the female was even bloated and fat around the chest and gills area. once done she was completely skinny again. was she pregnant or constipated. and is it possible that the fish was confused as to whether it was pregnant or not also. thanks