Is My Gourami Sick?


New Member
Dec 5, 2014
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I'm not sure if I'm over reacting but it appears he's got some discolourations on one side near his gills and down the side

You can sort of see the lighter spots behind his fins they're a bit hard to see in the picture but the one on his gill is a bit more clear. 
It would help to get more information. For example what are the readings of Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, how long you have had him, how did you cycle your tank, tank mates, size of tank, do you have a filter, a heater, what temperature is the water, what is your water change regime, has his behaviour changed.....?
ammonia is low enough it doesnt register, i don't have nitrate/nitrite test kit at the moment, I've had him about a year. I do about 15-20% water change every 7-10 days tank is 100 gallon, temp 76-78F, his tank mates are:
about 10 guppies
6 neon tetras
1 red tail shark
3 Siamese algae eaters
5 rainbows (2 blue 1 idk and one boesmani) 
a dozen or so cherry shrimps
5-10 assasin snails
8 zebra danios 
2 of those goby's that it the nasty aglae's i forget its a blue stripe or something. 
his behaviour has been pretty consistent he has no fear of anything in the tank or of me, in fact its almost impossible for me to take pictures of other fish cuz he always likes be front and center when i stand infront with my phone in camera position.
The only recent changes were the addition of a few more cherry shrimp about a week or two before i noticed this.
I hope someone more experienced with the species you keep can comment on the compatibility with your gourami. If there are injuries these can cause opportunities for fungus to take hold. As to the newest additions to the tank, if you did not quarantine them first then it is possible that they brought something with them into your tank. 
Some Gourami species are susceptible to Iridovirus, you might look into the symptoms of this virus. 
The shrimp were actually taken from another one of my tanks, I've seen no signs of any illness in the other tank (where the cherry's were born and raised : ) 
I suppose perhaps it could have been caused by an injury I'm not sure how he could have hurt himself my tank doesnt really have anything other than plants and these smooth round rocks i got at the aquarium store... 
The fact that i didn't get replies of "OMG You have *INSERT EVIL DISEASE*" is encouraging i'll keep an eye on him and report back if anything changes
it doesn't look like iridovirus. That causes red spots, swelling, and death. (no cures either D:)

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