Is my fish pregnant or ill?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 10, 2004
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I have goldfish in a freshwater indoor aquarium, one of them has been acting a bit strange. It lies on the bottom of the tank and doesn't really move much, its tummy is a little swollen. I thought it was going to dye and when I fed them later that day it came out from its hiding place and did its usual energetic "feed me" dance

The next morning was the same, lying still on the bottom of the tank, but then as soon as the aquarium lights went on it started darting around like usual.

Does anyone know if this is an illness or maybe symptoms of a female being gravid?

its probably not pregnant. can you send a pic? it might also be constipated. if the scales are sticking out-it is probably dropsy.
One of ours just died with dropsy,that was feeding ok, but swelled up and its scales stuck out. :(
What type of goldfish is it a regular or fancy ie. fantail etc.
What type of Goldfish is it? What are the water parameters? Are any scales protruding from the body? It sounds like it could be Swim Bladder, Constipation or Dropsy.

Thanks for you help, its a normal goldfish and it seems to be ok now, so it could have been consitpation that has cleared itself.

I have isolated him in a seperate tank anyway and will see how it goes over the next couple of weeks.

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