Is My Electric Yellow Holding Eggs?


New Member
Jul 1, 2012
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Hello this is my first post. Ive had 3 electric yellows in my tank for awhile now although one died a few months back and I was left with a male and female. I did a large water change about 2 weeks ago and the other day noticed the female now just sits up against the heater and wont eat or move. I think she might be holding eggs in her mouth but cant be 100% sure. Below her mouth certainly doesnt seem to be enlarged like Ive seen in photos and video clips, but she does sit there with her mouth open all the time. Heres a picture although its a bit hard to tell anything from this shot.


if shes holding eggs I would like to try and keep the fry. I don't have another tank so what other options do I have? Can I put her in a floating fry basket until the young come out?


Forgot to add that her stomach area is very enlarged. Like shes over eaten or something. This is why I think she might be just sick and not carrying eggs.
Is she definitely holding?

The immediate concern I would have with seeing a Malawi with a stomach like that is that it may have bloat. This is a very good article about it.

There are also some other questions would need answering, such as tank size, water stats and other tank mates.
Tank is 40 gallon. Ph is 7.8 and I have a community tank. Just some tetras, 2 angelfish, gourami, and 2 bristle nose cats.
Will read that article thanks.
Tank is 40 gallon. Ph is 7.8 and I have a community tank. Just some tetras, 2 angelfish, gourami, and 2 bristle nose cats.
Will read that article thanks.

I doubt it's holding if it's the only yellow lab. It really shouldnt be in a community tank and should be in one with other Mbuna. Also angelfish are SA cichlids and shouldn't be mixed with African cichlids. I would look into rehoming this lab.
Agree with njstockley & tkdjr1186 mbuna should not be mixed with other tropical fish has they have different dietary requirements and water parameters, looks like she has malawi bloat what are you feeding your fish on, and she needs to be quarantined asap medication octozin most people use upto 10x the recommended dosage.
It's not the only lab. I have a male also. But sadly she died so it must have been Malawi bloat.
my concern would be to find out the cause of this has your last yellow lab may get bloat also, what food are you adding to your tank, it may be a good idea to move your last one on.

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