Is my crayfish dying?


New Member
Jan 31, 2017
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Hello, I am wondering if anyone can help me understand what is happening to my crayfish. For over 2 weeks, he has been laying on his side, barely moving. He looks like he dying but everyday he is still moving just a little bit. I feel so bad for him and don't know if he is suffering but I don't know what is wrong or how I can help.
What are your water parameters?
Is your water soft or hard?
How big is the tank?
Any tank mates?
How often do you change water? And how much?
Has the tank got a filter?
Is the tank cycled?
Hello, I am wondering if anyone can help me understand what is happening to my crayfish. For over 2 weeks, he has been laying on his side, barely moving. He looks like he dying but everyday he is still moving just a little bit. I feel so bad for him and don't know if he is suffering but I don't know what is wrong or how I can help.
Well do you have him in a tank or some sort of tub? I remember when I was younger our classroom teacher would have us raise them as a class project and then send them home with us once the project was over. I'm not quite sure how to take care of crayfish except that they need clean water that has been conditioned with water conditioner to remove the heavy metals and chemicals such as chlorine found in regular tap water. They also need the ability to come OUT of the water if the tank is not aerated with an air stone. Having a large rock or similar object they can climb on to get out of the water is good. Crayfish need lots of oxygen. Are you feeding him the correct food? I remember my teacher used to say feed them bits of cat food but that's total bullhonky. A perfect food for crayfish would be sinking shrimp pellets as well as small, soft veggies they can eat. Crayfish also like to have hiding places. So you need a cave of some sort large enough for the crayfish to hide in when he wants to. Their tank also needs to be kept anywhere between 60-80 degrees, but that depends on what species of crayfish you have, posting a picture would be helpful.
are you using distilled, RO , or tap water.

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