Is My Betta Tank Cycled?


New Member
Aug 27, 2013
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I have a 5 gallon Fluval spec with my male Betta in it, and it's been running for about 4 days now. The ammonia is at 0 and so is the nitrite, but the nitrate is at 20 ppm. I'm confused because should a tank be fully cycled that fast? Or is there another reason? I've used Nutrafin Cycle as directed so maybe that is the cause, and there are no live plants in there at the moment. So in short, is my tank cycled? Also if it's not cycled just yet are there any tips to make the process easier on my Betta and myself?
Hey that sounds pretty promising! Are you using the liquid test kit or the dip-stick test sticks? The liquid test kits are more reliable!
Just keep checking the water in case you had false readings. You would not want your fish to suffer or get damaged by having ammonia or nitrite at toxic levels. If it was a false reading (which it easily could have been) you will need to keep up with the water changes. Did you have a look at the Beginners resource centre?
I'd recommend reading those links, it will help you answer a lot of your questions!
No it is not cycled.
Test your tap water for nitrates.
But, nitrate kits are awful and the least useful of them all. To cycle a new tank you must see ammonia and nitrite rise and fall. these are the key things, not nitrate.
The normal initial cycling time with fish in for a tank is similar to that for fishless- about 5 weeks give or take a week.

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