Is It Difficult To Keep Plants Alive In A 10 Gallon?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 2, 2013
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Hey everybody! I was informed that live plants help keep nitrate levels down, and I think live plants do really pretty in some tanks. I was wondering, is it hard to keep them alive in a 10 gal? I had one live plant last time my 10 gal was stocked (can't remember name! :dunno:) And it died rather quickly. Is there something I need in order to keep them healthy? Thanks in advance :) 
You can keep live plants alive in any size tank really, just need to make sure you have the proper lighting and if they are higher maintenance plants (usually red ones) you may want co2 or ferts.
Some hardy low light plants are: (Floating) Dwarf water lettuce, duckweed, hornwort, (attached to driftwood or rock) anubias nana, java fern, bolbitis, java moss, (planted) Elodea/anacharis (this can also be floated), vallisneria, cryptocorynes, swords (research these as some can get quite large), dwarf sagittaria, aponogetons (again research as some get quite big, and some can be picky).
Anubias is the ants pants for low tech low light tanks, no matter the size. I have it in tanks that get no light other than ambient room light on occassion and it copes no probs.
Yep!  I love anubias nanas and moss balls for my 10 gallon... I have found that since I made it a betta only tank, though, that I do need to add a weekly fertilizer to keep them looking their best.
Yep, I have a 10 gallon tank and have quite a few low tech plants in :)

Java Fern, moss ball, anubias (3 diff types), elodea & water wisteria as floating plants, vallus and bacopa planted stem plants.

They are perfectly ok in a 10 gallon tank with 11w light unit and i add ferts every so often ti keep plants happy, not lost any plants at all in this little tank :)

BTW a pic of my 10 gal tank is in my sig
I got a 7.5 gallon here and its doing fine and the plants are growing like well... weeds
I have three tanks - 20l, 30l and 60l all planted high tech - you can definitely do it. (Started low tech is recommended)
I had a 10 gallon with java fern and java moss that went crazy with a plant LED light.
Oh maybe that's why it died, I don't have a light on my 10 gal 
 i could never find one that fits!
There are lights you can buy which are clipped on the side of the tank, not very expensive really.
Or you can, like me, have a light suspended above the tank, albeit mine is on a glass shelf.
This makes it easier for me as the light does not get in the way when doing water changes and tank maintenance. Plus, the fact the light is on, means I can see in the tank

At one time I had a desk lamp for one of my tanks... the sort with the long bendable arm... not as nice as a tank light but it did the job until proper lighting was setup.
I like the clip on LED lights - plenty of light for plants, low power use and last for ages.
Im not sure the LED lights like that can provide sufficient light for them, unless its a very high output one. Mine was a 6500k, but if it is strong then it works great IME
How long would you keep the light on for plants.

I've just started a new tank and doing a fish less cycle

I've had the light on for 3 hours a day for the past 4 days but my plants aren't looking too heathly
So I've just up the light time to 6 hours, hope this helps them

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