Is It A Apistogramma Cacatuoides Female?


Fish nerd
Mar 19, 2008
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Sorry for the bad photo after I put her in the tank she swam around then went and found a hide out.

I will get another photo soon. What is it? Am I right?

I ask the fish store owner to get some apisto in. He is more of a saltwater guy so does not know his fresh water fish well. Anyways the fish shipment came in. He rejected all the apisto. He told me " they were all too small and looked like all females and no one buys the females." so he had this one apisto left that no one was buying. I told him "I will take the little apisto no one wants." I personally like buying small young fish I don't want adult fish. So I was disappointed that the owner rejected all the apisto. Oh well he said he will try again next week for more. .

He was suprised I wanted females. I told him i was looking for one male and 2 females. He also rarely gets in female guppies. poor female fish are getting left out.
yes, a very stressed female Cac. :good:
I know she is stressed. The tank she was in for over a week was bear no place to hide at all. Just her and some other fish that picked on her. Poor thing needed to be saved. The LFS annoys me. All the fish look stressed because they are all kept in completely bear tanks. So they never show good color well the guppies do. But all the other fish looks so sad in the tank.

I did not notice at the store but looks like she has the start of pop eye. I have saved fish with this before. Nothing a good environment can't cure. She is looking better in her new home. Fins up color coming back. At the shop she did not swim around looking mo stayed in the comer to her self with no place to hide. she is now swimming around more relaxed checking things out. I should have bought her when I first saw her.
Here is a better photo. You can see the cloudy right around the top of the eye.


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