Is He Just Getting Old?


Fish Herder
Nov 6, 2012
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I have a plakat "Luther" whom I've owned for a year now. Really don't know how old he is as he was returned to the LFS and I saw the poor chap in there for many months and just had to give him a good home.

Tank - aquanano 40
Nitrate 10
Nitrite 0
Ammonia- 0
PH 6.8

Water maintenance 50% weekly and always has been.

I currently have him in a breeding chamber within his tank so he can access the surface easily for air(not actually sure how often they do this?) but when he is in the tank he doesn't move at all. Even for feeding he swims oddly, like he has a stiff back.

He has been like this for three weeks now, is this it?

Here is the link to him in happier times:
What do you mean by he doesn't move and swims oddly?? Does he stay at the top/botom of the tank? Becasue to me that sounds a little bit like swim bladdar issues. What's his feeding schedual like?
He just settles on the bottom.

When he swims he has a slight curvature of the spine.

He is fed on betta pellets, four every other day.

It doesn't look like swim bladder to me, thanks for the reply though :good:
Depending on condition I generally put it between 3-5 years old. 5 is the max I've gone. 
With it being a fish someone else had you don't know age and you don't know the conditions it was kept in before. When kept in an "average" manner I generally see people getting on 1.5-2 years lifespan. In your case you really don't know. 
If the spine curving that can be a sign of old age.
There nothing you can do for a curved spine.
Bless Him.
Sorry to hear. But it does sound like it was time. 
Such a cutie pie.

Sorry for your loss.
I'm just glad my betta is still alive and kicking (more like flipping lol) he turned 3 this march. Hopefully he's still alive by the time i'm back from my 4-month trip.

My condolences! At least you two had fun when you were stilk together :)

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