Is 20 litres to small for a Betta

jungle king

Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
perth, scotland
I want to know if this will be ok for a betta as my lfs has a blueish, purply VT. Since my mom don't think they look nice :grr: wouldn't it be nice when you can clone betta's instead of sending babbies. Just post a lil bit of DNA.
20 litres! If you keep one betta in 20 Litres they will LOVE you forever!
WOW, awesome tank! I wish I could afford one of those for each of mine:p haha
You can put allll kinds of stuff in with that. At WM they have really cool looking ornaments that they can hide in as well as all kinds of plants. Put lots and lots for him to hide in but make sure he has lots of swimming room as well. Are you planning to put any other fish in with?
I was thinking a couple of Bronze Cories. We don't have a wallmart over here in the uk just ASDA that wallmart own
Hmm well make sure that he cories get along with the betta and I wouldn't put many in.
How often do you think the tank would need cleaned out any suddgestions of other fish to put in as I don't need to get the corries
Well I don't know a ton about which fish you can keep with bettas as I have all mine alone in their own tanks. If you liked ADF's you can add 2 of those, they are really adorable I have a few myself. Either way you have to make sure you plant the tank so that they all have their hiding spaces.
ADF'S :/ I'm guessing a kind of frog. I maybe able to get some trimmings off the plants in my 30 gallon goldfish tank. I was and still hoping to get a duo deep 800 tank but my fish place is selling it at £179 with the stand. I only have £50. 6 goldfish ain't enough :p
african dwarf frogs, they are completely aquatic. Some of them are fin nippers but if you plant a lot they should leave each other alone. There are many many fish out there that can't go with bettas because they nip and wreck their fins.
Yeah, have a hunt round for the frogs. 4 gallons is def. too small for bronze cories, they max out at 3 inches and want quite a bit of swimming space. Frogs are cute anyway. :wub:
yeah will try too. My 30 gallon will have 6 bronze cories, 6 zebra danios and eaither 2 blue rams or 2 firemouth chilids or 2 kribs.

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