Interesting Ideas For Stocking A 120 Litre Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 30, 2011
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england (southend)
Hey guys, just a short and simple one.
What *interesting* things could i put in a 120 tank?
Its a cube, so space is efficient for all swimming heights. (Bottom, middle, top)
Looking for interesting things, i mean, proper oddball-creatures.
things thay i might not even know exist!?
Along with that, an odd/interesting pleco would be nice.
Any ideas appreciated... go crazy!
Cheers guys,
peacock gudgeons
whiptail catfish
african butterflyfish
scarlet badis
(I'm not suggesting all of these in this tank, just providing a list of some oddballs you could consider.)
If you want something "weird" and not exactly beautiful I'd go for afrcan butterfly fish. If you want something colorful I'd go for gudgeons.
thanks for the help guys,
whilst google-ing some of them, i came across the world of Rainbow fishes.
I'm in love.
challdog said:
Along with that, an odd/interesting pleco would be nice.
Not sure about plecos but you could try a farlowella (twig catfish)
As for an interesting oddball, you could try a red wolf fish (if you can find one) or a senegal bichir depending on your dimensions... 
leopard bushfish and african leaf fish are also quite interesting and would probably be better suited to a tank of your size.
If they don't interest you then you could get a group of about 10 exodons (bucktooth tetra). They may look drab but these things are like mini piranhas. Seriously look them up on youtube!
wrightt3 said:
Along with that, an odd/interesting pleco would be nice.
Not sure about plecos but you could try a farlowella (twig catfish)
As for an interesting oddball, you could try a red wolf fish (if you can find one) or a senegal bichir depending on your dimensions... 
leopard bushfish and african leaf fish are also quite interesting and would probably be better suited to a tank of your size.
If they don't interest you then you could get a group of about 10 exodons (bucktooth tetra). They may look drab but these things are like mini piranhas. Seriously look them up on youtube!
Only a singleton Leopard Bushfish and a singleton African Butterfly Fish are suitable from your suggestions, this tank is a squat cube tank with dimension of ~50x50x50cm. ;)
You could put a group of 6 Upside Down Catfish (Synodontis nigriventris) with the above, making sure the catfish get a "head start" in the tank to grow big enough not to be eaten by the bushfish or ABF (as 6-7cm SL adults, the catfish are safe with adult 8-10cm SL ABF and ~14cm SL Ctenopoma acutirostre).
But I have to say the above "African oddball" stocking is VERY borderline, even though these three species are sedate moving.
I would be far more inclined to do a South American stocking such as...
6x Beckford Pencilfish (strictly only one male, the males get fiesty with each other in cramped conditions)
8x X-Ray Tetra
Alternatively, you could do a heaterless high water turnover tank (~1000-1500lph) with...
6x White Cloud Mountain Minnow
3x Rubbernose Plecs (Chaetostoma spp.)
The last idea is borderline for the minnows, because it will be hard to create the flow the catfish need and give the minnows an area where they can escape the strong current in a squat tank (far easier to do in a 75cm or longer tank).
N0body Of The Goat said:
Only a singleton Leopard Bushfish and a singleton African Butterfly Fish are suitable from your suggestions, this tank is a squat cube tank with dimension of ~50x50x50cm.

Ah sorry, wasn't too sure about the exact dimensions, ignore most of what i said then lol
The farlowella should still be ok though...

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