Insane Jumping Betta?

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Jul 28, 2012
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Okay, so a few days ago, I put my two male betta in a 10 gallon tank with a plexiglass divider. The divider had holes in it so that water could circulate but they were too small for the fish to fit through without getting stuck.
The divider wasn't snug against the walls of the tank but way too small for a fish to get through.

I come upstairs to my room and check on the betta to see if they're happy in their new tank and guess what I see?

Both of the betta were on one side of the divider!
This scared me so bad and their fins were already pretty messed up, but I put one in a small jar for the night and left the other in the tank.
I remade the barrier with smaller holes and made it so that it fit snugly against the walls of the tank..
But I realized that the betta might have jumped over!
The wall is about 2 inches over the water line... so can a betta jump that high?
Would a betta really want to fight another that bad?

So I need help...

Would a betta be so aggressive that it would jump over or squeeze its way through a hole as big as a dime?

And how long will it take for their fins to grow back.. if at all?
They'll try to get at each other no matter what if they can see each other. The key is to hae a divider they can't see through to keep them from trying to get at each others throats (or fins) they can jump pretty high, so jumping the divider is likely.

Their fins should grow back pretty well, so long as you keep the water clean for them. The amount of time it takes for them to recover varies in water quality and stress levels.
bettas like fighting, eating, and blowing bubble nests. in that order.

the fins should grow back quickly but they might be curly at the ends. i would give them some frozen food with a lot of protein once in a while to speed it up
Bettas are great jumpers.

My advice would be to get a higher divider (one right up to the lid) so that they can't get at each other.
If it's plexiglass could you use a very fine sand paper to fog up both sides so they can't see each other as well? Be sure to clean it well afterwards....
Make it so they cannot see through the divider to the other betta, then they will stop trying to kill eachother because they don't know the other betta is even there :good:
put the divider a lil bit up...
add some think plants on both side of the divider so they wont see each other and be stressed all the time
keep a good water quality help going back the torn fins
remember they are called fighting fish for a reason ..
good luck mate
Thanks a lot
Thank you very much! thankfully It has not happened again and they don't seem to notice each other through the glass as much. They seem to be getting along very well!

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