Injured Texas Cichlid

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Sep 1, 2014
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I recently bought a texas cichlid for my 75 gallon tank after my 10 year old oscar had passed away weeks prior. He had a small nick on his lip which the lfs told me was from a scuffle with a large black belt from which he was now separated. I've had him for a week now, and it doesn't seem to be improving. He was eating the first few days, but will not take food now. He still swims around, although often he is hiding under the driftwood when I approach. I've added salt at 1 tbsp/5 gallons and kept the temp at ~ 75ºF. I'm a little worried it is a columnaris infection, but I've never dealt with one, so I'm having a hard time with identification. His lip is now slightly red and swollen on one side. At this point I could treat for columnaris with furan 2 and kanaplex, but I don't know if I should treat the whole tank. Alternatively I'd hate to blast my bio-filter if it's not even columnaris.  I've attached a couple not so stellar pictures. If anyone has any advice, or any idea what this is I'd be greatly appreciative.
Tank info:
75 gallons
Water change schedule : 25%-50% weekly
Ammonia : 0
Nitrite : 0
Nitrate : ~5ppm
pH: 6.8
Temp: 75F
Inhabitants: Texas cichlid and 1 ~8 inch pleco.
Filtration: Emperor 400, Eheim classic 2215.
fish 2.jpg
hmmm I dont think it would be columnaris due to the fact that there was an injury - I would start dosing the tank with melafix and primafix give them a few days then if its not helped try Waterlife Myxazin, I have found this quite effective against infected wounds.
Just dont panic, once the swelling and inflamation goes Im sure he will start eating again its just a case of getting the right meds in. Also I would up your water changes to 2 per week just for a few weeks it will help heal it along a little also.
That wound does not look too bad, ditto Wills advice, up the water changes and try medication. With feeding, just in case he does have damage to the inner of the mouth or jaw, feed only frozen (defrosted) foods, brine shrimp, krill, bloodworm, cichlid mix (if available), even chopped prawn and mussel being soft and small he may find these easier to eat than dry foods.

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