Injured Red Claw Crab


New Member
May 26, 2005
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Manchester/Guildford, U.K
I very stupidly managed to injure my red clawed crab last night during a clean and water change. I didnt notice the crab hanging onto one of the plants (he is almost always under a rock on the other side of the tank during the day) and threw the plant into a bucket. This bucket then got filled with all the other plants, rocks and wood from the tank along with the result of a good gravel clean. Anyway I only realised the crab wasn't there when everything was out of the tank by this time he was on his back. When I put him back in the tank he wasn't moving properly and I noticed a couple of his legs were angled very strangly, having realised I must have crushed him I moved him directly over some food right by his usual hole and left him for the night. When I came back in the morning he was on his back again but the moment a fish went past he started frantically shaking all his legs and claws, he then managed to pull himself onto the underside of a rock ledge.

Anyway, I realise I am a fool and in future I will be exercise a little more caution when cleaning the tank but does anyone have any bright ideas how I might improve things for my crab, I fully expected him to be dead this morning but if there is any chance of a recovery I would like to speed it up.

Ammonia and Nitrites: 0
Nitrate: 10ppm
pH: 6.4 (low i know i put some dolomite in the tank yesterday to try and raise it).
There is also just over 1 tsp of aquarium salt per gallon in the water.

He seems to be grabbing a front leg with his claw a lot, is he trying to break it off so he can move better?

PS sorry for the long post, I'm very worried about Collin (yes i named him very lame)

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