Indian Almond Leaf Teabags?


Fish Crazy
Sep 12, 2013
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Hey, I've been looking around to try to find some IAL for my betta, Depression. I'd have to buy the leaves from ebay but the IAL tea bags are actually available in town. Do they do the exact same thing?
The tank Dep is in has 8 glowlight tetra. Would the IAL have any negative effect on them? 
I'd just like to know before I waste my money or hurt my fish. Thanks :)
I think teabags have different things in it that could be harmful to fish so I wouldn't.

Any reason why you need almond leafs? Its not needed for a betta and will live quite happily without it.
IAL tea bags work quite well, from what I have heard. If/when I get a Betta, they'll be what I'll be using. Make sure to update this thread if you do get them, so we know how well they work :) .
I wouldn't think that the IAL would have any effect on your Tetras, though I may be wrong.
What size tank is this by the way?
I've heard that IAL are good for sick bettas.  My brother was looking after my tanks while I was away and massively overfed them so the tank was disgusting when I got back. It's been cleaned for about a week now but Dep now has fin rot 
  He's in his own 2 gallon tank until he gets better but I heard that the IAL might help with it.
The tank is 17 gallons.
I would get fin rot treatment as soon as possible. It's going to help more than a tea bag :p

Do water changes a few times a week to keep the water clean and you'll soon see a improvement in health.
I agree with techen. But I'm treating my betta for fin rot/damage and I feel like his fin growth rate has increased since I started using betta spa (has IAL extract in it) I actually just posted that in the journal section last night :p ("Jack Frost").

Read what the tea bags have - most do have a lot of filler ingredients. I have no idea what IAL would do to tetras if anything.
IAL would have no adverse effects on your tetras.  If anything they will be happy in the stained water from the IAL as they prefer subdued lighting.  Both species will benefit from the good properties of the IAL.  Now in saying that, I can not recommend you buying the tea bags since I have no idea what else might be in them.  If they only have the crushed leaves in them then I guess that would be ok but anything else I would be wary of adding to your tank.  
As for the fin rot, I do not recommend any "treatment" other than very clean warm water which will have his fins looking better pretty quickly.

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