ok i can do without the balloon mollys...whats a kribensis...is that a "krib" ive seen those
i just thought live bareres were "easy" and "beginner" fish..and as i seem to know sweet FA about fishkeeping.....
thanks for your advice and opinion...its all taken onboard
Livebearers are 'beginner' fish in the sense that they are so cheap, because they reproduce so easily. However if your tank is cycled and you're read up on it all, as you seem to be, then you by no means have to stick with them, and why would you when there is a world of fish out there?
'Easy' fish...Well of course some fish are more sensitive than others and need specific environments, but most of the cheaper fish (under say, a fiver) will generally get on OK given a cycled tank, clean water and food. I urge you to go to your LFS, have a look at what's in there, come back here and tell us what you like and see if they are suitable for your tank. I promise you that the answer will be 'yes' eventually, the perfect fish is out there!
Yes I mean kribs. I have one and she's beautiful, is hard as nails (has been plonked from one tank to another multiple times, survived a mini-cycle and whitespot in the tank, even jumped out of the tank once!) but she ate two guppies' tails before I realised it was her and moved the guppies. She now gets on fine with the rest of her tankmates including a plec, loaches, tetras, barbs, danios and platies. A 75 litre tank would be just big enough for one as long as she had a cave or bogwood to make her 'own'. I have heard that they can be aggressive towards cories but I never saw this at all when I had her in with them so I can't confirm that. It's just one exmaple, taken from my personal experience, but as I said there are so many fish out there, don't waste your tank on guppies