Immediate Help Please


Fish Fanatic
Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
Atlanta, Georgia
My brother has a 75 gallon saltwater aquarium(1 spotted moray eel, 2 Lionfish, 1 blue lined grouper, and a niger trigger) The Little lionfish looked sick and spines were thinner since we got the bigger one. The lionfish just died and the grouper did too, the grouper looked pale and im not sure if he got ick. The lionfish(big one) had a couple of white spots. Right now he set up a 10 gallon and is quarentining the tank. I am in a different state on vacation so i can not assist him on this. I cant test the water from here so idk the problem. Someone have an idea?
If your brother needs help with his tank's situation, try to get him to seek help directly, whether by posting details here or by seeking out an experienced local hobbyist. It's not a good idea to try to diagnose something this remotely and with so little information. If the fish do have ich, it sounds like your brother is doing the correct thing by setting up a treatment/QT tank.
well its kind of hard when he is away from me and only has a permit but does drive anyway, but his birthday is in 2 weeks and doesnt want to **** up his ability to get a license. but the other lionfish and eel died so now idk. He said the puffer and tirgger are ok and look healthy.
Does your bother have a computer/Internet access? If so, tell him to get online and look for help directly. He can also call a local store or wherever the fish were bought from and ask for advice over the phone if he can't drive. It sounds like something pretty bad happened in that tank. In the mean time, tell him not to add any more animals to the tank until he knows what went wrong. If it was a disease, the tank may not have seen the end of it (ich is often sporadic because of the parasite's life cycle).

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