Ideas For Additions To My 60L Tank?


Mostly New Member
Jul 13, 2013
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Evening everyone! I want some more fish for my 60L tank but i'm unsure what else I can fit in without over stocking.
I currently have 2 pepper corys, 5 neon tetras and 3 guppies. Filtration is an Eheim Aquaball 60.
I was thinking of adding 3 more neons and a couple more corys. If I had more corys do they have to be the same type of will other kinds mix with the pepper corys?
I was also thinking of adding some harlequin rasboras but think I might be pushing it...
Any ideas/suggestions welcome :)
Corys generally mix well across the different varieties. Plus they'd be happier in a larger group. Personally I'd drop the guppies in favour of the harlequins. For some reason in my mind, guppies and neons just belong in different set ups, but that's subjective of course.
elmo666 said:
Corys generally mix well across the different varieties. Plus they'd be happier in a larger group. Personally I'd drop the guppies in favour of the harlequins. For some reason in my mind, guppies and neons just belong in different set ups, but that's subjective of course.
To be honest I've thought about dropping the guppies but no idea what i'd do with them. Only know one other person who keeps fish and the guppies came from him 
I disagree, cories and all schooling fish need to be kept in the same species. They will group together but its making do rather than an ideal situation - as each species has unique markings, shapes, fins etc they also have unique behavior, hierarchy and they also give out specific mild hormones in the water and very mild electric signals. Its how they help to identify each other.
If your thinking of dropping the guppies I would up the neons rather than add an other species they will school much better and they will be much more of a spectacle in the tank.
You could look at doing
1 Bolivian Ram
6 Neons
6 Peppered Cories
I agree but not on adding so many fish.  This is only a 60 litre or 15 gallon aquarium [Wills, I'm certain you missed this
], and that is too small for a Bolivian Ram or anything else in addition to what's there.  The neons and corys alone (increasing corys to five and re-homing the guppies) should work if you are regular with maintenance (water changes, etc).  Live plants would help further, even if just some floating plants.
Byron said:
I agree but not on adding so many fish.  This is only a 60 litre or 15 gallon aquarium [Wills, I'm certain you missed this
], and that is too small for a Bolivian Ram or anything else in addition to what's there.  The neons and corys alone (increasing corys to five and re-homing the guppies) should work if you are regular with maintenance (water changes, etc).  Live plants would help further, even if just some floating plants.
I did have an anubias plant however because I had Hagen Sunglo lighting it just kept getting caked in black algae, even with weekly water changes, so in the end I threw it away. I have a Hagen Aquaglo now which isn't as bright, so might revisit live plants. Anything you can recommend that doesn't attract algae so bad?
I have tried these various "Glo" tubes.  I now use the Life-Glo on my single tube tanks as it gives the best light for plant growth and it provides a natural rendition of plant and fish colours.  The Aqua-Glo creates a sort of purplish hue which I personally don't like, but that is aesthetics.  It is a weaker light as you mention.  Personally, I would use the Sun-Glo over the Aqua-Glo, if you don't get a Life-Glo.  I assume these are the regular T8 (not T5), and a single tube over your 60 litre/15 gallon tank?
Anjubias is a slow-growing plant, and like all such plants it requires less light and less nutrients.  I find it does best out of the direct overhead light, such as under a cover of taller plants or floating plants.  Floatig plants would be appreciated by the tetras and corys too.  And being fast growing, they would use the light more.

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