Evening everyone! I want some more fish for my 60L tank but i'm unsure what else I can fit in without over stocking.
I currently have 2 pepper corys, 5 neon tetras and 3 guppies. Filtration is an Eheim Aquaball 60.
I was thinking of adding 3 more neons and a couple more corys. If I had more corys do they have to be the same type of will other kinds mix with the pepper corys?
I was also thinking of adding some harlequin rasboras but think I might be pushing it...
Any ideas/suggestions welcome
I currently have 2 pepper corys, 5 neon tetras and 3 guppies. Filtration is an Eheim Aquaball 60.
I was thinking of adding 3 more neons and a couple more corys. If I had more corys do they have to be the same type of will other kinds mix with the pepper corys?
I was also thinking of adding some harlequin rasboras but think I might be pushing it...
Any ideas/suggestions welcome