Ideal Tank Setup For Blue Lobster (Crayfish)

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Fish Fanatic
Dec 29, 2012
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Sorry I couldn't find a specific forum as such for this so if mods think there's somewhere more appropriate then move it obviously.

Husband has decided what he really wants for his 40th birthday is a blue lobster.
Now, back in the day when we didn't know as much about the hobby we got a teeny one that gradually munched his way through our community tank... (Cringe)

Anyway... Older and wiser. This one will have a tank of his own! Our LFS has recommended a 2ft tank for him, so that's what I'm looking at but if anyone thinks otherwise please let me know. I'm thinking he'll need a cave as they like their privacy when shedding, but a couple of other questions...

From my research I can't find agreement on whether they need to be able to get out of the water. Some say yes, others disagree

Also, planting. Many sources suggest that planting will just get eaten, others say it'll be a good hiding spot, which is the more accurate?

(By the way I'm very aware a tight fitting lid is essential as otherwise he'll erm... explore outside the tank!)

Any help with the research to get this right would be appreciated :)
I had 2 in one tank, sadly one passed away, they do need caves of sorts, and be aware they might eat plants from time to time, sand as well is good as they like to dig out the caves from time to time before they shed there shell

No need for them to come out the tank, but you will find them climbing the heater and filter if you have an internal one through the night when the lights out lol

I have fish in the tank as well , they have caught a few but they may have been ill and for the taking, so pick your tank mates wisely.

Feeding wise they will eat any uneaten fish flake, but I also put in a little chicken once a week or so and some peas very other day.

Anything else I will try help answer,


Here is my setup, the rocks to the right are the cave

Closer look, has an entrance to the side and one at the back as well
I didn't think you could keep two together?
The LFS has two fairly large ones together and they live peacefully, they've been together a while as nobody really wants them! Could that continue or would it finish up being fight to the death?
Had both for over a year together Glitzy, tank was layed out different then they had caves at opposed sides, ok the odd time one chased the other round the tank at feeding time, but they got on fine apart from that. People say the same about dwarf hamsters and I had 2 that lived out there time fine in same cage.

Still to try see one molting it's shell, always miss it.

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