Id The Gender Of Pearl Gouramis

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Fish Herder
Tank of the Month 🏆
Apr 6, 2013
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So I bought these gouramis and I am pretty sure they are still rather young. I thought at the store and the guy there agreed with me that I got one male and 2 females. I am hoping some one here can ID the gender better. I have had them for about 3 weeks. The more I look at them the more I think they are the same gender. There really isn't much aggression yet but they are still young. In the pics they are next to von rio tetras that are only one inch long. At what age/size does the male develope the bright orange breast and extra long fins?
Pic number 1

Pic number 2

Lets number the fish in each pic 1, 2 and 3 from left to right. 
Thanks for the help. 
Im not 100% since they are young but I would say they are all males. Females literally have a little semi circle on top of their body only the males have anything else.
Pearls are pretty chilled fish so you might be ok with it. What size tank are they in?
I won't insist upon it, but I would tend to think these are three females.  Here is a photo of a pair, and while they are obviously mature fish, I think one should see some variance at 2 inches or thereabouts.  The dorsal and anal fins on the three fish in the photos in post #1 seem to be female not male.  ??


  • Trichogaster leerii pair.jpg
    Trichogaster leerii pair.jpg
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Wills said:
Im not 100% since they are young but I would say they are all males. Females literally have a little semi circle on top of their body only the males have anything else.
Pearls are pretty chilled fish so you might be ok with it. What size tank are they in?
55 gl
What do you mean by a little semi circle on top of their body?
Byron said:
I won't insist upon it, but I would tend to think these are three females.  Here is a photo of a pair, and while they are obviously mature fish, I think one should see some variance at 2 inches or thereabouts.  The dorsal and anal fins on the three fish in the photos in post #1 seem to be female not male.  ??
That's the pic I was using to ID the gender as well. By that I would say all females but being young I wonder if the males just haven't filled out yet? 
So that's 2 votes for female and 1 for male. 
Will I have issues down the road with all females? OR should I go ahead and start looking for a male?
Wills question about tank size is still relevant...
Edited post:
Sorry, I saw the tank size mentioned, 55g.  My fault for not seeing it.  Three females will be OK, but you will miss the beauty of a male, and their interactions.  If I were you, I would try to get at least one male (leave the three females if you like).
Its 55gl. And its pretty fully stocked, quite a bit overstocked actually. I would have to trade in one of the females if I do get a male. 
stanleo said:
Its 55gl. And its pretty fully stocked, quite a bit overstocked actually. I would have to trade in one of the females if I do get a male. 
We seem to post simultaneously, I'll try to be faster this time.
What are the other fish in this tank?
7 harlequin rasporas, 1 angel, 8 flame (von rio) tetras, 10 corys, 5 otos, 1 clown pleco
I wouldn't say the tank is anywhere close to being overstocked, biologically.  If the angelfish is male, there might be trouble with male gourami as both are rather equally territorial.  Could you move the angelfish out if necessary?  A group of Pearls would be a beautiful sight...
So far I haven't run into any issues with the angel but he/she isn't full grown yet. I am keeping an eye on that and I do have a 29gl I could set up and cycle in a hurry if I have to. I hope I don't have to because 29gl is barely big enough for an angel. But  a group of pearls would be pretty awesome. 
So you don't think I am overstocked? I ask because I would like to up the rasporas to 10. 
stanleo said:
So far I haven't run into any issues with the angel but he/she isn't full grown yet. I am keeping an eye on that and I do have a 29gl I could set up and cycle in a hurry if I have to. I hope I don't have to because 29gl is barely big enough for an angel. But  a group of pearls would be pretty awesome. 
So you don't think I am overstocked? I ask because I would like to up the rasporas to 10. 
Agree, increase the rasbora.  The three Trigonostigma species always fare better with more, I would in your case say 10-12.  And no, I do not consider you anywhere near the limit.  I factor in the weekly substantial water changes and plants.
I would very much like to have a group of Pearl Gourami, but I haven't the suitable environment in my three largest tanks.  The 115g is a South American river, the 70g is quiet enough but this is a flooded Amazon tank, and the 90g has Black Ruby Barbs and Congo Tetras which are much too active for gourami.
Byron said:
I would very much like to have a group of Pearl Gourami, but I haven't the suitable environment in my three largest tanks.  The 115g is a South American river, the 70g is quiet enough but this is a flooded Amazon tank, and the 90g has Black Ruby Barbs and Congo Tetras which are much too active for gourami.
Sounds its time for a new tank!! Maybe you could do a SE Asian tank. 
They look female to me
I have a gourami pair in with angels, and have no issues at all
Sounds its time for a new tank!! Maybe you could do a SE Asian tank.
I've really no more space.  I have a dedicated fish room, with seven tanks, and I would have to do a shelf set-up for more.  I've thought of this, but I like to sit in front of the tanks and just observe them, so they need to be pretty much on the same level.
I do have one SE Asian tank, my 33g representing a lagoon, photo attached.  No space in here for pearls really, as I have six pygmy sparkling gourami and the males are very territorial.


  • 33g Aug 25-14.JPG
    33g Aug 25-14.JPG
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