Id On Pleco Species


Fish Fanatic
Jun 22, 2011
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being offered these pleco, but need to know the species to know if they will get too big for my tank.

pleco 1


pleco 2


thank you.

post this in the pleco section but not having much luck on response so posting here in hope of an answer.
There both common plecostomus. they will grow in exess of 2ft
Commons can but more around 18 inch being the biggest and gibbiceps being the 2ft mark in aquaria
Commons can but more around 18 inch being the biggest and gibbiceps being the 2ft mark in aquaria

Quite true. both big fish that both need a very large tank. do you think the bottom pic is a sailfin
Commons can but more around 18 inch being the biggest and gibbiceps being the 2ft mark in aquaria

Quite true. both big fish that both need a very large tank. do you think the bottom pic is a sailfin
defo not a sailfin just a common.

i would rehome them and save a lot a cleaning up poo and strain on the bioload ;)
It has a large fin admittedly (although not a sailfins characteristic fin shape) and the colour and head shape point to a common plec so I'd say you were right with the common

Not solid proof no the biggest one i have ever seen was bordering on the 15 inch mark at a quess. y do you ask?

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