Fish Fanatic
Hi so I just recently got into the hobby and I talked my hubby into getting me a 27 gallon cube for my birthday, got some black skirt tetras, zebra danios and guppies... Gave back tetras and danios and decided to just keep guppies,
So now I need fry tanks and I wanted to separate my males and females, my problem is I only have one spot in my house for a tank and I love the look of the cube so I figured if I can make a multi tank stand which fits in my house where my original tank is that would be great. I brainstormed a little while and came up with a rough design to house my 27 gallon and 4x 10 gallon tanks.
So the 3 10 gallon tanks on the left would be facing sideways so the short side is the front, and the 10 on the right is facing the regular way...
I have decent carpentry skills and the build should be no problem, but I'm at a total loss when it comes to setting up filtration, light etc.
The only thing I'm sure of is that I want to run separate filters to each tank to prevent any cross contamination of disease.... So any advice?
Anything at all would be awesome
So now I need fry tanks and I wanted to separate my males and females, my problem is I only have one spot in my house for a tank and I love the look of the cube so I figured if I can make a multi tank stand which fits in my house where my original tank is that would be great. I brainstormed a little while and came up with a rough design to house my 27 gallon and 4x 10 gallon tanks.

So the 3 10 gallon tanks on the left would be facing sideways so the short side is the front, and the 10 on the right is facing the regular way...
I have decent carpentry skills and the build should be no problem, but I'm at a total loss when it comes to setting up filtration, light etc.
The only thing I'm sure of is that I want to run separate filters to each tank to prevent any cross contamination of disease.... So any advice?
Anything at all would be awesome