I Took The Plunge ... Add My First Fish To Tank.


Fish Fanatic
Feb 2, 2012
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Well I bit the bullet and added my first few fish tongiht. I amhoping for the best. But I think If I keep up on my water changes and testing bla bla . I have high hopes for my fish.

This is my start.

1 pearl Molli a good sized one :)
1 dalmatian molli

2 red Wag platys ( they are red with black on back of tail )

2 gold micky mouse ? platys I think thats right.....( RIP) one had a bad fin so he did not make it log in the tank it was getting tossed all over and could not keep up.

I had 2 zerbra daniof from 5 gallon and added 4 more so I have 6 of them running around.

So I will give them a few weeks to make sure they are ok and add a few more... I saw some tettera I like not neon but they look like mini angle fish almost bigger and had a flowy tail I might add them next.

any other suggestions. I will keep you posted
we have 7 neon teters and a betta and a neat yellow snail in our 5 gallon.
In case you didn't know... Just check the sexing of them to make sure you have good groupings. With mollies and Platys it's best to have a ratio of 1 male:2 females. I had 1 male and 1 female temporarily and the female was so stressed out from him chasing her all day.

Congrats on the new guys.
In case you didn't know... Just check the sexing of them to make sure you have good groupings. With mollies and Platys it's best to have a ratio of 1 male:2 females. I had 1 male and 1 female temporarily and the female was so stressed out from him chasing her all day.

Congrats on the new guys.

umm good to know... Not sure how I am going to figure that one out now. But I can remember to make sure I ask from now on when buying more.
Oh, its actually very easy to sex them, I'll go find the link...TTF livebearer sexing

another pic.

You look at their anal fin, and you can see the ones that have the fanned out fin are female. It's a really good idea to have 2 females for each male. Now their color won't matter, so out of all your platies, make sure the ratio is right. The same for mollies.

If the mollys are the same sex you are good to go.

edit: They can get very stressed out when the ration is off and the females are chased too much.

It's good to take a peek at sexing when you plan to buy a fish, I learned this afterwards to btw. :) But with some fish the gender really matters and the store employess don't always know how to tell.
Oh, its actually very easy to sex them, I'll go find the link...TTF livebearer sexing

another pic.

You look at their anal fin, and you can see the ones that have the fanned out fin are female. It's a really good idea to have 2 females for each male. Now their color won't matter, so out of all your platies, make sure the ratio is right. The same for mollies.

If the mollys are the same sex you are good to go.

edit: They can get very stressed out when the ration is off and the females are chased too much.

It's good to take a peek at sexing when you plan to buy a fish, I learned this afterwards to btw. :) But with some fish the gender really matters and the store employess don't always know how to tell.

perfect thanks
Just to make sure you cycled the tank right? What size is this tank? Congratz on the first fish!!!!
Were the tetras that looked like angels with flowing fins serpae tetras or skirt tetras by any chance? If so these guys can be big moppets and if you want a peaceful community (based on what you already have I'm guessing you do) I do NOT suggest either of these as you'll need a large shoal that could potentially overstock tour tank to keep aggression to a minimum.
Just to make sure you cycled the tank right? What size is this tank? Congratz on the first fish!!!!
Were the tetras that looked like angels with flowing fins serpae tetras or skirt tetras by any chance? If so these guys can be big moppets and if you want a peaceful community (based on what you already have I'm guessing you do) I do NOT suggest either of these as you'll need a large shoal that could potentially overstock tour tank to keep aggression to a minimum.
black skirts IME are fine in a majority of communities. I kept mine with everything from gouramis and angels to firemouths and convicts without issues. I can't vouch for serpae though. My aunt has a measily group of 3 in her tank and they don't bug anybody.
Just to make sure you cycled the tank right? What size is this tank? Congratz on the first fish!!!!
Were the tetras that looked like angels with flowing fins serpae tetras or skirt tetras by any chance? If so these guys can be big moppets and if you want a peaceful community (based on what you already have I'm guessing you do) I do NOT suggest either of these as you'll need a large shoal that could potentially overstock tour tank to keep aggression to a minimum.

I can not remember. I will make sure I check when I go back in a few weeks thanks. Yes Iwant a very peaceful tank... I have had tank set up fo ummmclose to 3 months and finished my cyle as best as I can get it ...
You have a nice beginning selection there Stacey. The zebras that are chasing each other all of the time are really probably breeding. You will never see any fry from it unless you make arrangements to save the eggs from predation. It is a special setup that is not really appropriate for a community tank.
Once you have that new tank tested, you can add all of the present stock from your 5 gallon safely, or as much of it as you wish. They are all relatively peaceful.
You have a nice beginning selection there Stacey. The zebras that are chasing each other all of the time are really probably breeding. You will never see any fry from it unless you make arrangements to save the eggs from predation. It is a special setup that is not really appropriate for a community tank.
Once you have that new tank tested, you can add all of the present stock from your 5 gallon safely, or as much of it as you wish. They are all relatively peaceful.

Thank you.. a update. I have had all the above in my 55 now since sat and all are doing well as far as I can tell...I think my water is at a steady temp I just fed them they all came running....I just have neons and a beta in the 5 gallon in daughters room. They seemok. Water is nice and healthy so far. I am kinda anal I think with the water changing ... I guess that is a good thing.I will waait a few weeks and I want to add a few more... But So far so good. my ph is at like a 7.6 tho. do you know what a good ph is for the kind of fish I have in there. I have not looked that up yet. then I have to figure out how you lower it if it is to high. Thistank sure keeps me bzy .

Just to make sure you cycled the tank right? What size is this tank? Congratz on the first fish!!!!
Were the tetras that looked like angels with flowing fins serpae tetras or skirt tetras by any chance? If so these guys can be big moppets and if you want a peaceful community (based on what you already have I'm guessing you do) I do NOT suggest either of these as you'll need a large shoal that could potentially overstock tour tank to keep aggression to a minimum.

I saw some hi fin tettras at the store I think I iked that kind. KNow much about them or the red eye ones.
Your pH, at 7.6, is fine for all but the most sensitive tropical fish.

It's generally a very bad idea to try and change pH/hardness anyway, as it can lead to swings in value which is not good for fish.
Your pH, at 7.6, is fine for all but the most sensitive tropical fish.

It's generally a very bad idea to try and change pH/hardness anyway, as it can lead to swings in value which is not good for fish.

perfect :) one less thing I need to deal with thaks
Oh, its actually very easy to sex them, I'll go find the link...TTF livebearer sexing

another pic.

You look at their anal fin, and you can see the ones that have the fanned out fin are female. It's a really good idea to have 2 females for each male. Now their color won't matter, so out of all your platies, make sure the ratio is right. The same for mollies.

If the mollys are the same sex you are good to go.

edit: They can get very stressed out when the ration is off and the females are chased too much.

It's good to take a peek at sexing when you plan to buy a fish, I learned this afterwards to btw. :) But with some fish the gender really matters and the store employess don't always know how to tell.

Ok with the help of my girls ( Better eyes then I have :) )

pretty sure my mollies are F I have two bigger ones

my gold micky M

and Red Waag platies both M

So no Female Platies .Do the platies go after the Mollies ??? SO maybe I should get a few femal Platies and If I get a Molli a M to balance them out.

I read that swordtails are tankmates with Mollis and Platies .. Any thing I need to know about them . I will try to look them up after work.

Thanks for your advice.

They all are doing good so far. water change sceduled for tomorrow ...
Platies and mollies will not try to cross but in the Livebearer section you indicated a preponderance of male platies with a single female. That ratio needs to be corrected.

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