Fish Fanatic
Hi All,
I will tell this as truthfull as I can and except that my head is on the chopping block for my own stupidity.
My aqua one 980T has been running for about 5 weeks,at first I ran it for about a week,no fish,new substrate,new rocks and driftwood.
I transfered plants,sand and some filter media ( wool and noodles) from my old tank into the new one and at the start,during that time I added API Quick Start and water conditioner.
Checked water with API master aquarium test kit,all reading showed nil,so I added two Bronze Corydoras and five neons after the first week,water was still that whitish cloudy look.
About two weeks ago I was able to sell my old tank so I put in all the filter media and noodles into new tank and some of the old substrate(sand) to fill in some spots along with 10 neons and four more Corydoras.
Water still retained that cloudy look.
Here is where everything is gone pear shaped.
Since the start of setting this tank up my water has been cloudyish,I have vacuumed the sand and done water changes,I now use Seachem prime for the water conditioner,when I check the filter media it is always very dirty,brown colour,when i turn the lights on in the late afternoon the water has cleared some to where I think this is looking better,but after awhile I can see that cloudiness in it,more so after feeding the fish.
I have rinsed and changed the filter media,bottom is noodles then filter wool,then filter pads then the coarse foam on top,filter system is wet/dry trickle @ 1000 ltrs p/h,added a 1500 ltr p/h wave maker to help circulate the water and still cloudy looking water,not as bad as it has been but with all the lights on it is noticable,plus the filer media is still getting very dirty,I did rinse the new sand out untill it was running fairly clean.
No lose of fish and they seem all okay,no flicking or signs of distress.
I have checked water and all says perfect,zero amm,zero nitrites and zero nitrates,ph is about 6.5.
Then i checked the date on the kit,year 2007,so I am getting new kit in mail as maybe this is why I am getting good readings or maybe the prime is showing me these readings.
Would I be right in assuming I am getting bacterial bloom with this cloudy looking water,it is not thick cloudy looking but I can see it, certainly no where near as crystal clear as my old tank.
I know I jumped the gun big time and I am starting to get disheartened about the whole set up and kicking myself for it,I read about cycling the tank and patience,patience was screaming at me each time,so I basically broke that golden rule.
When I have done water changes I have added prime to the buckets of water as needed and when I have used the hose connected to the taps I have dosed the amount for the whole tank volume.
I also have four cherry shrimp in thier as well and they are still going along ok.
So apart from anyone tearing me apart ( suffering enough here) any clues please.
Sorry for long winded post.
Thank you.
I will tell this as truthfull as I can and except that my head is on the chopping block for my own stupidity.
My aqua one 980T has been running for about 5 weeks,at first I ran it for about a week,no fish,new substrate,new rocks and driftwood.
I transfered plants,sand and some filter media ( wool and noodles) from my old tank into the new one and at the start,during that time I added API Quick Start and water conditioner.
Checked water with API master aquarium test kit,all reading showed nil,so I added two Bronze Corydoras and five neons after the first week,water was still that whitish cloudy look.
About two weeks ago I was able to sell my old tank so I put in all the filter media and noodles into new tank and some of the old substrate(sand) to fill in some spots along with 10 neons and four more Corydoras.
Water still retained that cloudy look.
Here is where everything is gone pear shaped.
Since the start of setting this tank up my water has been cloudyish,I have vacuumed the sand and done water changes,I now use Seachem prime for the water conditioner,when I check the filter media it is always very dirty,brown colour,when i turn the lights on in the late afternoon the water has cleared some to where I think this is looking better,but after awhile I can see that cloudiness in it,more so after feeding the fish.
I have rinsed and changed the filter media,bottom is noodles then filter wool,then filter pads then the coarse foam on top,filter system is wet/dry trickle @ 1000 ltrs p/h,added a 1500 ltr p/h wave maker to help circulate the water and still cloudy looking water,not as bad as it has been but with all the lights on it is noticable,plus the filer media is still getting very dirty,I did rinse the new sand out untill it was running fairly clean.
No lose of fish and they seem all okay,no flicking or signs of distress.
I have checked water and all says perfect,zero amm,zero nitrites and zero nitrates,ph is about 6.5.
Then i checked the date on the kit,year 2007,so I am getting new kit in mail as maybe this is why I am getting good readings or maybe the prime is showing me these readings.
Would I be right in assuming I am getting bacterial bloom with this cloudy looking water,it is not thick cloudy looking but I can see it, certainly no where near as crystal clear as my old tank.
I know I jumped the gun big time and I am starting to get disheartened about the whole set up and kicking myself for it,I read about cycling the tank and patience,patience was screaming at me each time,so I basically broke that golden rule.
When I have done water changes I have added prime to the buckets of water as needed and when I have used the hose connected to the taps I have dosed the amount for the whole tank volume.
I also have four cherry shrimp in thier as well and they are still going along ok.
So apart from anyone tearing me apart ( suffering enough here) any clues please.
Sorry for long winded post.
Thank you.