I Put A Diseased Gourami In My Tank...what Should I Do Now?


New Member
May 2, 2012
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I bought 2 powder blue dwarfs and 2 fire dwarfs on sat and put them in with my 4 rainbows. One of the powder blues wasn't swimming much at the store and had a bit of fin rott so I thought hed be ok once I put him in clean water. It only took 24 hours for his fins to disintergrate, for him to turn pale and have a red sore show up on his side...I took him out immediatly when I notice this and gave him antibacterial meds. About 8 hours later he was dead. The rest are are doing really well but now I'm thinking they're doomed to the same fate. The same day I bought the gouramis I also bought some cichlids for my cichlid tank and used the same contaminated net I used for the gouramis. I have 15 of these most of them being a few years old and beautiful. What's the chance of all my fish dying? Anything I could do to help save them? How long before the other fish show symptoms? It just seems like it was such an aggressive disease that I'm panicking. :(
It could well have been 'dwarf gourami disease' or iridovirus, in which case it shouldn't affect your other fish. All you can do is keep the water quality as high as possible and monitor the tanks very closely.
I had a Red Flame Dwarf that started with a clamped fin only on one side, that turned into a red and white wound on his side & within a day or two he was dead. No other fish ever showed signs of sickness during or after so I assume it was Dwarf Gourami Disease since that indovirus only effects Dwarf Gouramis. I also had a Powder Blue Dwarf in a different tank that died while no other fish showed any symptoms whatsoever. The Powder Blue didn't have any wounds or noticable marks accept a bit darker around his stomach area. Either way I think it's not something the home hobby fishkeeper can determine with 100% certainty.

I hope that helps somehow and good luck :good:

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