I Now Have 3 Mice Lol


Fish Herder
Mar 14, 2009
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Yep i bought 2 gorgeous girls today, so sweet!
They are for pets only and will not be going anywhere near my male mouse, i am not interested in breeding them, just for cuddles lol
Pics to come.
1 is named Lady Godiva & the other girl is Lady Gaga
Looking forward to the pics.
What did you name your male mouse? 
The male mouse is called Grumpy, Rattus or Eeper lol It changes cause he's a bit of a brat
I want pics too! I would love to keep small mammals again but my hubby would not approve. Plus I have 3 cats.
My hubby doesnt like em one bit lol, and i have 2 cats, who know that touching the caged rodents will get you into big trouble!

Lady Gaga

Lady Godiva
They're all adorable! I think Lady Gaga is my favorite especially with that cute little patch of grey near her nose :)
Nawwww they're adorable! Except for Lady Godiva... She looks a bit uhm, creepy :p in a cute way though haha.
What are their cages like?
Lady Godiva is so sweet! But yeah it is a different look lol
I am changing their cages, Grumpy will be moving into a smaller bachelor pad and the girls will be moving into his old house. I'll move them all around sometime this week, then grab some new pics
Adorable!! And I love Godiva. They are a very interesting breed. And where did you get a white mouse with black eyes!? But Grumpy is my fave, he looks like a cartoon character! 
Lada Gaga is actually a broken dove, not white.  But BEW (black eyed whites) are not a rarity here
Grumpy is a funny thing, he makes me laugh
Here he is plotting my demise i think

Ima gonna sleep with one eye open from now on lol
OMG he looks like he's right out of "The Secret of NIHM!"
lol Yep........(he is actually in the middle of washing his face though lol)
aaawwwwww he is cute! they all are

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