First of all, please don't go by my signature for my stocking info, it badly needs updating. I am thinking about moving around some fish to my relatives tanks, but the fish that I will not give away are:
Black Banded Leporinus
petricola Catfish
multipunctata Catfish
Sterbai Corys
Albino Longfin Bristlenose Plec
These are my favorites, and will not rehome, others I can without feeling too bad.
My goal is to have cichlids, and to get Electric Blue Rams again.
My thinking all along has been that cichlids can other be with cichlids, but recently at two separate fish stores I was told that there are certain cichlids that can be stocked with the fish I've mentioned above. I just have to be cautious of which ones. Is this true? If I am able to get cichlids, I am going to go this route. If not, I am going to just keep my current stock.
Black Banded Leporinus
petricola Catfish
multipunctata Catfish
Sterbai Corys
Albino Longfin Bristlenose Plec
These are my favorites, and will not rehome, others I can without feeling too bad.
My goal is to have cichlids, and to get Electric Blue Rams again.
My thinking all along has been that cichlids can other be with cichlids, but recently at two separate fish stores I was told that there are certain cichlids that can be stocked with the fish I've mentioned above. I just have to be cautious of which ones. Is this true? If I am able to get cichlids, I am going to go this route. If not, I am going to just keep my current stock.