I Just Got 3 Platies


New Member
Jan 31, 2007
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not the first time i have had fry born in my tank but it';s the first time i have a live-bearers fry that is going to be born

will the care be the same as it would be for an egg layer i know that with my danios i didn't have much of a problem with them so is the care basicaly the same as with the egg-layers fry?

i can't wait till it gives birth
Just provide clean, stable water and things will be fine. They fry can eat crushed flakes, but they may not eat for the first couple days. It's nothing to worry about.
so do i remove the mother or all 3 and put the 3 of them in my other tank? i have a bunch of plants so the fry can hide there
If you want as many fry to survive as possible, let the mother birth in her own tank with the plants, and then you can move the mother out after the fry are born. That way the fry only have one fish to worry about eating them and they can hide.

If you are planning to let it be survival of the fittest, leave all the fish in the planted tank and just let the mother birth. Fry will have plants to hide in, but if they get eaten, that is what happens.

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