Fish Fanatic
Hello TFF. I have been ine for almost 2 years following a tragedy to my beloved 55 gallon that I worked so hard on (long story short... Went on my honeymoon came back and the person who was supposed to watch my fish clearly didn't do their job. Heater must have shorted out or something and all my fish were dead. I stopped being a fish keeper for over a year) well my daughter wanted a fish so we set up and cycled a little 5 gallon for her I sent her and my husband in to pick out a betta or a couple platys or Molly's and when we got home and I took the bag out to float it they had picked out twontiny reddish pink gourami babies (and some ghost shrimp my daughter apparently fell in love with) question is I only have this 5 gallon for now until i can get something bigger hoping to get a 20gal within the next month. Will these tiny babies be okay in the 5gal for now??