Fish Crazy
Ok, as you may or may not know, I will soon be purchasing a 55 gallon tank. I am sorting out what fish I want to put in now, so I don't sit with an empty tank for to long lol. So here is my list of fish, any comments and/or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
6 Congo Tetras
6 Black Skirt Tetras (already have 4)
6 Cherry Barbs (already have 4)
1 Sailfin Pleco (already have him)
I figured at the max size of these fish, I will have 60 inches of fish in my 55 gallon tank. The filter I will be getting with the tank can handle up to 60 gallon tank, and if I add a second one that is currently running(handles up to 20 gal) will this take care of the over stocking? Plus a weekly water change of at least 10-20% of course. Also I would LOVE to get a couple of cories to add, but if it would be to much, I can put them in my 15 gal lol.I just really wanted them for my community tank is all. Thanks so much for any and all help!
6 Congo Tetras
6 Black Skirt Tetras (already have 4)
6 Cherry Barbs (already have 4)
1 Sailfin Pleco (already have him)
I figured at the max size of these fish, I will have 60 inches of fish in my 55 gallon tank. The filter I will be getting with the tank can handle up to 60 gallon tank, and if I add a second one that is currently running(handles up to 20 gal) will this take care of the over stocking? Plus a weekly water change of at least 10-20% of course. Also I would LOVE to get a couple of cories to add, but if it would be to much, I can put them in my 15 gal lol.I just really wanted them for my community tank is all. Thanks so much for any and all help!