I Hate You All!


Aug 29, 2012
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So having recently cut down to 2 tanks, and deciding that 2 is indeed the perfect number of tanks, I started reading more about bettas, in particular the threads from Ny82 and RCA.
Having realised that 2 spare filters and 2 spare heaters (form now closed down tanks) is a little silly, I found myself buying a new tank this morning, and have got it all ready for a new betta.

It's a fluval U2 filter, which I'm guessing is a little strong for a betta but I'll turn it down to the lowest flow possible - this should be ok, right?
Also the tank is only 17 litres, is this sufficient for a betta? I understand they don't move around much so don't need loads of swimming room?
Finally, it's as basic a tank as you can get, and has no light in the hood - but lights are there more for human aesthetics than fish welfare aren't they?
Can you confirm that the above is all ok before I go and buy a fish please?
Everything in the tank has been stolen from my others so is 'worn in', it's literally only the glass tank and plastic lid that is new.
Also - I've never really seen any bettas in my lfs that have caught my eye much, but am scared of receiving a fish through the post - any advice on how to get a lovely looking fish?
I think 17 litres would be okay for a betta, Not epic but okay. Bettas are fish, Weather they move about or not they still need room to grow, Feel less stressed etc. Bigger tank healthier fish.
A light isn't needed but it would make the fish happier with one, So there's more of a feel for day/night cycles instead of just being in a dim lit tank.
The filter should be fine I'd think, Just make the flow as low as possible.
You can always baffle the filter too if its too strong.

I have a 22 litre for my guy : http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/416507-22-litre-betta-tank/

To be fair, his wooden centrepiece takes up a lot of those litres but he's still happy.

I second Techen on the light, yes it will give him a time period and you could then maybe add some live plants too? If not silk ones are better than plastic for their fins.

Look forward to seeing what you do :D
Thanks. Since I got home and set it up reality has kicked in and I've been panicking about how small it is. It is a long tank rather than square, I hope that works in my favour.
The only lighting I've ever used has been built into the hood that came with the tank - how do separate lights usually fit? And what sort of wattage would I want?
Ok, panicking less now having seen on the nano thread that a betta is ok for 12+ litres. I think I overdid the substrate (it came out of my 160l so I had loads!) too so can take a lot of that out to make more room. I also have a large piece of wood in there, but (unintentionally) it almost completely obscures the heater from view, so I may just keep it.
Having filled it and tried to take photos, I'm thinking a light is indeed a must, and I will get some small plants for it, but can't steal any from my other tanks as they're all too big!
Shelster - just read the first page of your thread, your tank looks lovely! And much much bigger than mine! Off to read the rest now...

TallTree01 said:
Do you want live plants?
I wasn't going to, but if I'm getting a light I may as well get a few small ones. I like a bit of greenery in a tank anyway, so it would have been a compromise to simplicity to not have any.
17L (4US gallons) is perfectly fine for a betta and the fact that the tank is longer than tall is better for bettas so don't stress about your tank.  Light, although not required is a good thing to have.  It helps you see your betta and lets you set a day/night schedule.  I would leave the big piece of wood you have in there currently.  Your filter can easily be baffled to make it easier for your betta but there are some bettas that have no big issues with filter flow and actually like to play in the current.
Anubias are great, as they love the big leaves to rest on :D

Yes Vader enjoys to play in the current :)
We really should set up a support group. The siamese fighter, giving in to temptation :p
Jen-I have the Fluval U2 in my 30L and it's on the setting "B" which is a slow setting for planted tanks-mines still can't swim against it so just watch him. 
I think longer tanks with shorter height are perfect for them since they don't swim very fast. I sometimes panic mines back get to the top in time as mines is a cube so I took a quarter of the water out. 
Went to my lfs to pick up a much needed algae scraper (JBL one, as recommended to me on this site
) and some small plants, also to see what stock of bettas they had. Went to the smaller branch near me as transport was easier, but wasn't expecting much as have never seen a betta there that I particularly liked.
Picked up some bits and bobs, including a blue (it was that or red!) LED light and some 'tropical almond leaves' (I'm assuming they are the same as IAL? They were JBL ones marketed for betta) and had a look around the fishroom. Saw one betta that didn't look overly healthy or active, but as I went to pay I asked if they had any others, they said they had 3 in total. One looked poorer than the first I'd seen, but then I saw this one. And had to have him. Don't know what type etc he is, even what colour it is (blue & red?), but he's mine and I like him

Floated the bag whilst I planted the crpyts I'd bought (they had no anubias, so I'm going to have to hunt some down) and stuffed as much media from my big tank as I could fit into the U2. He seems really chilled but active - not just sitting in a corner. It'll be a new experience for me as most of my other fish are in groups - I've not had such an individual set up before. Looking forward to seeing how things go.
I hate the tank. Though it is growing on me slightly. But I need a proper solution to the light issue. The blue LED on the side just isn't what I want. But I need a lid on the tank as I have very curious cats, and there is nowhere on the lid to attach a light, plus it's only 16 inches long. Any ideas please?




You have a veiltail there, another handsome chap, oh and his name is?

Hmm can't really help you with the light issues although yes even if you didnt have a curious cat, bettas are jumpers.
When you do tank maintenance, be sure to put lid on when your not by tank - I am almost paranoid about Vader jumping out!

Congrats on your first betta :D

What food did you choose for him?
Shelster said:
You have a veiltail there, another handsome chap, oh and his name is?

Hmm can't really help you with the light issues although yes even if you didnt have a curious cat, bettas are jumpers.
When you do tank maintenance, be sure to put lid on when your not by tank - I am almost paranoid about Vader jumping out!

Congrats on your first betta

What food did you choose for him?
I wasn't going to do a name, then I thought Sam, but I have a cat called Sam, then I thought Oliver, but there's already an Oliver on here, then I thought Betty, but he's a boy, then I thought Ben, but that sounded weird, then I thought I was thinking too much :-/
I got the Hikari Bio Gold - I think I saw that mentioned on your thread?
JenJ said:
So having recently cut down to 2 tanks, and deciding that 2 is indeed the perfect number of tanks, I started reading more about bettas, in particular the threads from Ny82 and RCA.
Having realised that 2 spare filters and 2 spare heaters (form now closed down tanks) is a little silly, I found myself buying a new tank this morning, and have got it all ready for a new betta.
It's a fluval U2 filter, which I'm guessing is a little strong for a betta but I'll turn it down to the lowest flow possible - this should be ok, right?
Also the tank is only 17 litres, is this sufficient for a betta? I understand they don't move around much so don't need loads of swimming room?
Finally, it's as basic a tank as you can get, and has no light in the hood - but lights are there more for human aesthetics than fish welfare aren't they?
Can you confirm that the above is all ok before I go and buy a fish please?
Everything in the tank has been stolen from my others so is 'worn in', it's literally only the glass tank and plastic lid that is new.
Also - I've never really seen any bettas in my lfs that have caught my eye much, but am scared of receiving a fish through the post - any advice on how to get a lovely looking fish?
 JenJ to the Betta Club​
Sorry not been on here much and soon to log of as other things to do at present, but to answer some of your questions and add more to what has already been said...
Firstly, where are you located JenJ, and any chance of putting it in your profile as it assists greatly when advising ;)
Fluval U2, this is quite large for the tank you have but will be OK, you can put it on its lowest setting and also put it on the bottom output as your Betta will spend most of his time at the top.  One thing to do is to face it towards the outside of the tank, or place something in front of the output so that it is a softer flow for the Betta.  As an alternative, if you have a spare airpump, take a look at a sponge filter as you may find this a better option for you.  They are relatively cheap if you have an air-pump already.
17 Litres, they live in vast amounts of water in the wild, yet shallow, and although they are not great swimmers they do love to explore.  Ideally we usually recommend about 5 gallons and this is I believe about 3.73, so is OK for you Betta for now, as it is long vs deep and they prefer this, so do not worry about its size for now.  Main thing is make sure there are places to explore and I agree keep the wood in there.
Lighting/Lid, one thing I did with a tank that had no lid/lighting is I bought some glass place mats, and used these to make a lid.  This way the Betta got light from the under counter lights in the kitchen as well natural light in the kitchen during the day.  I have also used LED torches to sit on top of a tank without a light and indeed this is what I do for Bob, see his link in my signature.  Once I know where you are I maybe able to recommend other options.
Betta, well no need to advise you on where to get one from now as you are sorted.  He looks lovely, I believe from the image he is a Veiltail, and his body looks like he may have the marble gene possibly?
Plants, they are a good choice and as they grow you will find him chilling in the top of them.  They like floating plants too, so if you can get any of those then he will appreciate it.
Food, the product you have for him is a good one, my boys love this food, do not be tempted to give him more than 3-4 pellets at a time and ideally soak them a little before feeding.  The frozen brine shrimp in garlic is also good, as is live mosquito larvae (glass worms), their natural diet.
Name, you will find him so interactive you will come up with a good name for him, as Betta Boys need names ;)
He looks like he is very active in his new home and we look forward to hearing more about him.
Oh, and I know you will be regretting the title of this topic already as he captures your 
Hmmm, I'm really not happy with the tank. It looks odd without a light and the blue LED is a nice effect but not a substitute for a proper light. It looks crowded and awkward in there for him, even though it's a long tank. I have a half day from work on Wednesday, and it's also payday that day so I think I'm taking a trip to my nearest pets at home to see what they've got...
Mean I've effectively wasted the money spent on this tank and the light, but I guess I can use the tank as a hospital if desperate, and can put the LED on one of the tanks - it's pretty , if impractical. It's my own fault to being too impulsive - I rushed out to the pet shop round the corner from me and they had one single glass tank, which in the shop seemed perfect. I didn't notice until I got home it had no lights. The MA where I got him from later in the weekend only had 'posh' fluval edge type small tanks, but it's not a very large branch.
I'm not sure what he thinks of the filter. I've tried the flow on the bottom and middle (bar) settings, and in both cases he'll swim over, get semi-violently thrown around for a bit until he escapes, then swims back for more. Even though this only happens in the far corner of the tank and the rest of the water is fairly still. I'm not sure if he's playing or is just really stupid...

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