Man of fish
I'm Interested in.... ----|> that
I changed my mind yet again for my 29 gallon.
Instead of my old plans, I decided to keep the gravel as I really like the look of it. I got rid of the bacterial bloom, and my current fish are well. What I've decided to change is the fish I wanted. Since I don't want sand anymore the corys I wanted are now out I guess. So now what I'm looking for are
a top-dwelling fish
A nice school of fish with good coloring
Something that could be a bottom dweller if no corys
A centerpiece
An algae eater
The only definites are my currents of
3 mollys either 2 male 1 female or 2 female one male not sure.
3 platys
? # of platy fry
I also want a swordtail or a few of them.
Then for the schooling I'm open to ideas
Bottom dwelling I'm drawing a blank
Centerpiece- still looking at rams but any other suggestions welcomed.
Algae eater- I think a bn since I only have 1 or 2 Otis left and I think something picked them off since I had 4 or 5 perfectly healthy one a month ago thenthwy started to go one by one.
Thanks in advance.
Instead of my old plans, I decided to keep the gravel as I really like the look of it. I got rid of the bacterial bloom, and my current fish are well. What I've decided to change is the fish I wanted. Since I don't want sand anymore the corys I wanted are now out I guess. So now what I'm looking for are
a top-dwelling fish
A nice school of fish with good coloring
Something that could be a bottom dweller if no corys
A centerpiece
An algae eater
The only definites are my currents of
3 mollys either 2 male 1 female or 2 female one male not sure.
3 platys
? # of platy fry
I also want a swordtail or a few of them.
Then for the schooling I'm open to ideas
Bottom dwelling I'm drawing a blank
Centerpiece- still looking at rams but any other suggestions welcomed.
Algae eater- I think a bn since I only have 1 or 2 Otis left and I think something picked them off since I had 4 or 5 perfectly healthy one a month ago thenthwy started to go one by one.
Thanks in advance.