I Can't Make Up My Mind

Man of fish

I'm Interested in.... ----|> that
Nov 18, 2011
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I changed my mind yet again for my 29 gallon.
Instead of my old plans, I decided to keep the gravel as I really like the look of it. I got rid of the bacterial bloom, and my current fish are well. What I've decided to change is the fish I wanted. Since I don't want sand anymore the corys I wanted are now out I guess. So now what I'm looking for are
a top-dwelling fish
A nice school of fish with good coloring
Something that could be a bottom dweller if no corys
A centerpiece
An algae eater

The only definites are my currents of
3 mollys either 2 male 1 female or 2 female one male not sure.
3 platys
? # of platy fry
I also want a swordtail or a few of them.

Then for the schooling I'm open to ideas

Bottom dwelling I'm drawing a blank

Centerpiece- still looking at rams but any other suggestions welcomed.

Algae eater- I think a bn since I only have 1 or 2 Otis left and I think something picked them off since I had 4 or 5 perfectly healthy one a month ago thenthwy started to go one by one.

Thanks in advance.
I don't care what type of fish they are really. My only guideline is they must be compatible with platys and mollys :)
Corys are great bottom dwellers. Very active and very helpful when it comes to sunken down food.

Schooling fish - I got White Cloud Minnows with my Platys and they seem very happy with each other.
D'oh! Should read it properly. So, no Corys then.

Another suggestion for schooling fish are Rainbow fish. My LFS told me they would go well with my set up which is similar to yours.

Maybe a dwarf gourami as centrepiece?
Most tetras would go and make good schooling fish. Or Harlequins?
Interesting thoughts.
For the schooling I was looking at something other than orange..... I have a lot of orange in my tank already.
Yeah I want corys but I really like my gravel and don't want them injured.
I thought rainbows would be too big.....
I was looking away from DGs because of dwarf gourami disease, but it's a good suggestion.
I would, but I don't wanna try it with my platies and millies.
Change to sand man! You know you want to cross over to the sandy side................... :hey:

Gravel blows, it hard to clean & it doesn't look natural & let the fish's individual colors stand out. I've spent my last few water changes removing all the black gravel from my 36 gallon black gravel/black sand mix. One handful at a time.

You can always save the gravel if you like it so much, but trust me, you won't go back once you've tried the sand.
What I'm doing is changing my qt and seeing if I like it first.
How about rainbows? Any type good? I know praecox but any others?
Rummynose Tetra are a great schooling fish, beautiful colours that get more vivid with age and a good diet.


I like them but they're $6 here I dont want to pay that much per fish $4 is my limit for schooling fish $5 for small fish and $20 for bigger fish.

Rummynose Tetra are a great schooling fish, beautiful colours that get more vivid with age and a good diet.


I love how they look but they're $6 each here. I didn't really wanna spend the $3.50 each on cardinals. $4 I think is my limit unless it's like a big fish then my limits $20.
Rummynose Tetra are a great schooling fish, beautiful colours that get more vivid with age and a good diet.


I like them but they're $6 here I dont want to pay that much per fish $4 is my limit for schooling fish $5 for small fish and $20 for bigger fish.

Rummynose Tetra are a great schooling fish, beautiful colours that get more vivid with age and a good diet.


I love how they look but they're $6 each here. I didn't really wanna spend the $3.50 each on cardinals. $4 I think is my limit unless it's like a big fish then my limits $20.

Cardinal Tetra? Ember Tetra? Goldfinch Tetra?
I like Tetra, me. :hey:


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