Most corys will breed quite readily but to get good numbers of fry they need to be in a species only tank.
Sand substrate is best & softish water is preferable 6-7ph.
2 males to 1 female for breeding, they need to be conditioned well with live or frozen foods for a week or so, then cool water changes for a day or two dropping the temperature a few degrees should get them going, drops in barometric pressure also sets them off.
Some will eat their eggs, others leave them alone, you can harvest the eggs & place them in a tub with an airstone & a drop of methylene blue & float the tub in the tank to keep warm, they usually hatch between 3 - 5 days.
The fry don't need feeding until they've absorbed their egg sack, after that you can feed with a proprietary fry food or culture micro worms feeding little & often, regular daily water changes from the main tank are needed to keep their water clean.
Before you think of breeding do make sure you have an outlet for them, not many Lfs will give you money for them though you may get store credit