The image doesn't show for me...but to move to the issue you asked about. Data on your tank lighting is needed, as light is part of the balance. What type is it, spectrum, watts..anything you can tell us.
The green water is unicellular algae, caused by high nutrients/organics in the presence of light. Same cause as your problem algae.
I ask about the light because higher plants need specific light, but algae can make do with any light. Duration also factors in, so tell us how long the light is on each day.
Nutrients/organics are controlled by fish load and feeding (I think we've cleared that up), water changes, substrate cleaning, and filter cleaning.
Have you tested for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate? You mentioned fish dying...algae itself will not kill fish, but the underlying cause might. Also, what is the pH? The pH and nitrates can be a clue to something wrong generally, and ammonia and nitrite should be tested when fish are dying.
Also, have you tested the tap water on its own for nitrate? And pH?