Hydor Heater Setup?


New Member
Oct 26, 2012
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Setting up a new tank and I bought an external Hydor heater. I planned on running it on a marineland 360 canister filter, the problem is I didn't realize that the hose for the canister is quite a bit larger than the 5/8" hose barb for the Hydor Heater. I thought about plumbing it down, but would this restrict the flow and make the canister work to hard?
If you fit the wrong size external heater your flow rate will be effected, better off exchanging the heater you have for the correct size one.
I assum you are using the 300W heater with the 19mm connections? if so your only option is to modify the pipes or use reducers so that the heater will fit.
That's what I was using, do you think it will work ok if I modify it? I don't want to put to much stress on the pump
It will work, I have used a 200W Hydor with 12mm conections on 19mm pipwork using reducers.

The flow was effected but apart from that it all worked fine, this was on a APS1000 filter.

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