

Fish Fanatic
May 6, 2011
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Hey Tropical Fish Forum. I joined here awhile back, didnt really "join" until today. I recently restarted my passion in fishkeeping after failing at a 10 and 20 gallon tank. I now have a 10 gallon tank containing: 2 Spiketail Paradise Fish Males, 3 Platies, 1 male 2 Females ( 1 prego), 2 Cory Catfish, 1 Apple snail, Anacharis, and 1 Amazon Sword. I also have a 5 gallon tank containg: 1 Male Betta, 1 Amazon Sword. I enjoyed the last forum i was on until everyone began choosing favorites, so i have moved here. I hope im welcomed and get to share as much advice as i can. I am also open to questions, Suggestions, or anything like that! Thanks for having me!
hey there :) welcome to the forum friend. i've only been in the hobby of keeping freshwater fish for about half a year. but everyone on this forum is friendly and always there to help, its amazing how much you actually learn in a forum like this :D

have fun :)
Thanks so much, Yea i know, on my old forum i learned SO MUCH! Ive been keeping fish for 4 years now, started with a Betta and had one ever since haha :D
thats okay :) i just remember coming across this forum then joining straight the way :D haha awesome im keeping a betta at the minute :) and a group of espei rasboras! :D
Nice, very nice, I love my Betta! Never kept Rasbora's before. There on my list to keep someday :) I LOVE my Spiketail Paradise fish, they are amazing.
i love rasbora fish :D awesome those are very pretty looking fish :) i want to keep khuli loaches too! as im trying to base my tank around a south east asian theme :D
Kuhli are awesome fish, but you HAVE to keep up with your water changes, even 1 week of fall behind and it could kill them, or at least it did mine. I had a nice group of 4, went to the beach, came home, and they were dead. It was awful :/ i miss them so much. Just take good care of them and they'l be fine!
they look so awesome and wriggly and fun :p id do all i can to keep them happy! and sorry to hear that, its not nice losing a fish :(

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