How To Prevent Algae In A Non-planted Tank


Fish Crazy
Mar 1, 2011
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Just a quick question: how do you prevent algae growth in a non-planted tank?

Since I first picked up the hobby almost two years ago, I have always had a heavily planted community tank, which I have been able to keep more or less algae free. But I am planning on taking some of the fish out of the tank to set up a blackwater biotope-esque tank. -Esque because I plan on putting my school of Paracheirodon simulans [green neon tetras] and my mating pair of Mikrogeophagus altispinosus [Bolivian ram], which do not come from the same environment - Mikrogeophagus ramirezi [German Ram] being more appropriate -, into a un-planted blackwater tank with a sandy substrate to improve the latter pair's ability to interact with their environment, especially during spawning. The goal is a 20 long [30x12x12] decorated with rocks, root systems and leaves and filtered by an Eheim 2215/7.
Just limit the light to when you are viewing the tank. If you want to have a natural light cycle, you can add couple of layers of window screen, between the bulb and the glass.

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