How To Obtain The Equipment For A Hospital Tank


New Member
Jun 8, 2012
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I've been searching online (UK) for a hospital tank so I can treat my sick fish, but I cannot find any cheap small tanks online (they all seem to be 'designer' - could someone provide me with links to the equipment I'd need? My biggest fish is only 6cm, but majority 4-5 so it doesn't need to be big

Thanks in advance

Have you looked in somewhere like Pets @ Home? They don't appear to be on their website but they usually have small tanks for around £20
Maidenhead Aquatics do a small tank with a little HOB filter, plus pump so you only need a heater.  It is just under £20.
I love the Superfish Nano 50W Heater for smaller tanks, you can get these for about a tenner new.  PM me if you need more details.
What is wrong with your fish?  Sometimes it is better to treat the whole tank, especially if it is likely to be infectious.
Other options are a breeder net if it is OK for the water to mix, or a food grade plastic box that floats within the aquarium if you want to segregate the fish totally from the aquarium's water.
Can you put your location into your profile as this assists in advising you or options near by etc.
Is there something like a FreeCycle site on your side of the pond? I haven't paid a cent for any of my tanks. Some even came with all the equipment.
Thanks guys,
I'm west midlands UK

All water parameters are good but fish died earlier (see tetra died help in tropical fish emergencies please - had no replies!).

My tank is only 25L haha.

Though my new guppies tails are splitting also - all other fish appear to be behaving and look healthy.

Chrisrules334 said:
Thanks guys,
I'm west midlands UK
All water parameters are good but fish died earlier (see tetra died help in tropical fish emergencies please - had no replies!).
My tank is only 25L haha.
Though my new guppies tails are splitting also - all other fish appear to be behaving and look healthy.
Tell us about your tank a bit more. How many and what types of fish? Your maintenance regime? Water stats? How long has the tank been set up?
I agree with above poster, however I am new and relied on LFS for information (as you do...)

2 cherry barbs about 2.5cm
2 guppies 1 2.5xm 1 3.5
Loach 4cm
2 neons 1cm and 2cm
1 other tetra 3cm

My dad maintains it, I think we water change on a Wednesday and Sunday

I do not know the water stats precisely but per our kit it is good (were testing again tomorrow/sunday)

Tank is 2 years old
Alongside above information - water test was completed today and ammonia/nitrate/ite levels are safe.

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