How To Look After Fish Fry?


New Member
Mar 26, 2012
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This morning I noticed a baby fish clinging to the side of my tank. I got pretty excited as I've never had any fry, I don't really have the time and space to actively breed any of my fish so never really expected any fry to survive. I'm fairly certain it was a danio baby (they spawn a lot), it was black with big eyes, about 5mm long. Anyway, I went to go make a cup of tea and when I got back he was gone... but it made me realise that I honestly have no clue what to do with fry. If in the future I find some more, what should I do with it? Should I get one of those fry/breeding nets just in case? How would I have got him off the side of the tank? So many questions! (FYI, the fish I have that are capable of reproducing at the moment are zebra danios, WCM minnows, and otos)
Sounds like it was an oto baby if it was clinging to the side of the tank. Nothing else you mentioned would have done that, right?
Ah okay, I just remember reading somewhere that zebra danio fry can be seen as black 3mm lines clinging to the side of the tank sometimes... just thought of them since they spawn like rabbits. If it's my otos, then they've been pretty busy as I only got them a week ago! I have noticed some behaviour that looked like breeding, which is why I mentioned them. If it was a baby oto, then that's pretty neat! Glad they are settling in haha.
I may be wrong about the danios! I don't actually know much about them, I just wouldn't have guessed they would do that! Very interesting fact if they do :)
Different fry require different care, so read up on fry care for the fish you have in your tank. There are many websites that will be able to tell you exaclty what your babies will need. I have Jack Dempsey fry and Albino Bristlenose fry, and each require different food for survival.
danio fry do cling to the glass.....I've seen that for myself.
Fantastic, thanks guys. Did a little bit of hunting around, I am quite certain it was a danio fry now. Must have somehow escaped being eaten up to that point! I have tried looking up how to care for danio fry, but there seems to be more out there about how to get them to breed rather than what to do with the babies once you've got them. I did find some useful discussions though! It looks like two of my otos have indeed been breeding, so that's cool :) Something to look out for!
That's really interesting about danios, and kinda weird!
Haha, totally, I agree! I would definitely have just assumed it was a baby oto if I hadn't come across that bit of info on the danio fry. They were spawning again when I turned on the lights this morning, so maybe some more will pop up :D

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