I've read about how to determine based on breeding habits, determined I'd never know and accepted it..... but I couldn't help but be curious with mine recently. In February I started out with 5 of approximately the same size, relatively young based on size and growth since. They almost immediately killed off 2, presumably the weakest. One died when I moved mid-August, probably for reasons related to moving.
Since then, I have noticed a huge size discrepancy between the remaining 2. One is significantly bigger and dominant - and there is a clear, observable, behavioral hierarchy that both of them respect. They get along well, but the big one is obviously alpha. I've never seen them engage in breeding behavior, but I might not recognize it and I've never tried to make sure the conditions are just right (I don't want MORE fry of any type!). But, does this large size difference and the dominance/submission behavior potentially imply a male/female angel pair?