How To Do It When There Is More


Fish Crazy
Jun 19, 2013
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right now I only have 3 guppies but I know I will soon have more. these are the tanks and the stocking now:
10 gallon:                                        10 gallon:                                                                                  7.5 gallon:
1 male betta(great with guppies          1 male betta (SUPER relaxed fish. can also tollerate guppies)         1 male guppy
2 female guppies                             5 harlequin rasboras                                                                   (he bullied one of the females so I seperated him)
                                                     1 oto catfish
I just need to know how many more fish can fit in each tank when the guppies have babies
oto should be in groups of 3, they are schooling fish
for guppies, have 3 females per 1 male.
guppies can populate really fast, so unless you are going to rehome most of them then yes you can get fish. if not then move guppies to each tank until its maxed out and your done.
i would say you should add 2 more female guppies to your one 10 gallon, and add the male back in.. see how it goes.. then the 7.5 tank use it to raise the fry.
Or rehome one gender of guppy (Either both females, or the single male) And get all the same gender. Granted the females will still have a few batches of fry, because as I recall they can store sperm, but still, at some point, there would be no more baby problem
BerryAttack said:
oto should be in groups of 3, they are schooling fish
for guppies, have 3 females per 1 male.
guppies can populate really fast, so unless you are going to rehome most of them then yes you can get fish. if not then move guppies to each tank until its maxed out and your done.
i would say you should add 2 more female guppies to your one 10 gallon, and add the male back in.. see how it goes.. then the 7.5 tank use it to raise the fry.
yah, I was thinking something like that. maybe if I move the plants around some and then put the male in, it will seem like the females territory, so they will be in charge. at least, thats how it works with the betta.
yep, just make sure that you break up the site lines in the tank and it'll be easier on the fish.

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