How Rare Are These?


Jul 16, 2013
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Searching the web for rare tropical fish just out of curiosity and to see what's available out there.
I stumbled across 2 of my fish and wanted to know just how rare are they.
When I bought them I had no idea what they where or if they where rare or not.

What do you lot think?
Just how rare are they?
Is tagging some fish as rare purely just push the prices up?

1) stripe rapheal cat
2) chubby pleco ( gold )
the first one is not rare at all and sometimes seen in LFS, i wouldnt expect them to be more than around 5 bucks as for the plec, no idea.
ncguppy830 said:
the first one is not rare at all and sometimes seen in LFS, i wouldnt expect them to be more than around 5 bucks as for the plec, no idea.

I got them both for my LFS, but was told on here and on a web site they are listed as rare but I didn't pay a lot for them so they must be more commen than they are made out to be.

Striped Raphel are just quite normal and common but a gold chubby pleco can sometimes be quite valuable (like really very valuable). Do you have a picture?
Generally rare fish are either the result of either being in a difficult or dangerous place to collect, have been line bred and as a result have the premium or have a unique characteristic, colouring, fins, character etc which again is seen as a luxury and drives up the price. One thing not to confuse is a rare fish in the hobby is not necessarily rare in the wild. Some fish prices in the UK and US are also high for say a cactus plec as they are mega mega expensive in Asia. And the internatianal value translates here.

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