How Much Is My Frontosa Worth?


New Member
Feb 9, 2012
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Leicester, England
Hi, I set up a Frontosa tank a couple of years  ago with 12, F1 Barundi Frontosa. 
I am now in the process of removing the alpha male and will continue to do so over the next year until I am left with only females, at this point I will introduce an unrelated Male of good stock and hopefully have a good breeding colony. my question is how much is a 5-6inch F1 Male Barundi worth? 
He is available for sale and i am  in Leicester if anyone is interested. However, I am due a trip to Wharf Aquatics and may take him with me and swap for some credit. How much is a fair price? 
The were purchased at 1inch from Natural world in Syston Leicestershire, they specializeand are renouned for thier wild caught rift cichlids so I am happy that they are F1 Barundi type
Same size burundi in the shops are £60 to give you a marker. But then 6-7 blue zaire f1s are also £60 on AQ. See what whalf will give you and if its not great bang it on AQ untill you go whalf.

How much did you pay for them? I remember seeing some fronts in Natural world a couple of years ago- only time ive seen them. cheers
They were tiny but only about £5-7 each, they were a bargain, they are all still going strong and are looking great in a species tank with wild caught Blue Moori and an Asian Sun Cat.

I was hoping they would give me £30-40 pound as this would still give them a profit,  we will see! 
Yeah they were £5 when i saw them. Yeah id agree with what you want.

Any chance of any pics? cheers
i have took some photos but cannot figure out how  to upload them!

they probably were £5 then, better memory than me!  they were tiny though.
Lol. That price has always stuck with me cause ive never seen them that cheap.

If you upload them to photobucket or imageshack, you then have to paste the img tag over. It should say which one for forums on there.
Most stores will give 25-50% of what they will resale for. You might get £15-£30 for one.

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