How Much For A Pitus Cat

that wat i payed today gave my wife some fish. and we whent to a garden center today she got some bits and i got a pitus well happy
Wouldn't a pictus outgrow a 3 foot
a 3 footer is fine for a sall school of 3-4 pictus, they only get 6 inches at best, though can get up to 8.

Got to be honest, I disagree these are 6 inch, incredibly fast and active catfish ideally a large 4 foot like a 75g or larger would be a minimum for them IMO...

I have four in my 300 litre 4 footer and they use the whole tank, including all four walls. They are never stationary for more than a few minutes and are always playing around. I would not like to keep them in a smaller setup.

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