How Many Platys Fry Per Tank?


New Member
May 30, 2012
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In the last few days our female Platys have had approx 40 fry, I have a 60 litre tank and a 25 litre tank, bearing in mind these platys will go to new homes as soon as they are large enough, how many fry per tank please?
I would think that they would all be okay in the smaller one for the first month. A lot die in that time. If most do die (I started out with 21-24 fry now I have 14-17) Then you might even be able to keep them in longer. But when they are adults or close to adults, I would move them to the bigger tank.
I would put them all in the 60 litre & do regular water changes.there is no reason why you should lose any.
Don't overfeed, & clean out any uneaten food every day, makes it easier if you have a bare bottomed tank.
Btw is this 60 litre a cycled tank?
As Cazgar said, you could maintain that many fry in a 60 litre if you stay on top of the water changes. Anything less than ideal care and you can refer to kuri33's post, you will lose too many.
As Cazgar has said, there is no reason to ever lose many fry if you care for them properly.
Excellent thanks for your replies it has helped alot, yes the 60 litre is a well cycled tank as for the 25 litre tank it only got set up yesterday so is in the process of being cycled, i have added Interpet Filter Start which I then add every two days and also feed the tank fish flakes, will do the normal water tests in a week and an ammonia and nitrate test to make sure they are zero before adding a few guppies.

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