This is the fish tank I want:
It's going to have plenty of plants, some driftwood and rocks. I like aquascaping and like the idea of moss covering the floor of the tank. Warning, the numbers of fish I will mention are maximums that I thought might be nice. Totally understand if they're too much or too little. I like red cherry shrimps and ghost shrimps and want 5 of each. I also want a shoal of Neon Tetras, maybe 15? Really like Boesemani Rainbowfish, thought maybe 10? Have had platies before and would want 10 or more. Would like a Pleco but not one that grows too big, like the Golden Nugget Pleco, would only want 1. And maybe some Gouramis, the opaline or gold ones. I understand they can be aggressive, have always wanted some but not sure how many would work well in this tank with some of these fish. Some websites mentioned only having one Gourami, am fine with this. Open to suggestions and want to know if this would be overstocked or not, and if these fish would get along. Would a pleco still be able to eat algae with moss covering the bottom of the tank? Thanks and I'm only thinking about these fish, it's not set in stone
It's going to have plenty of plants, some driftwood and rocks. I like aquascaping and like the idea of moss covering the floor of the tank. Warning, the numbers of fish I will mention are maximums that I thought might be nice. Totally understand if they're too much or too little. I like red cherry shrimps and ghost shrimps and want 5 of each. I also want a shoal of Neon Tetras, maybe 15? Really like Boesemani Rainbowfish, thought maybe 10? Have had platies before and would want 10 or more. Would like a Pleco but not one that grows too big, like the Golden Nugget Pleco, would only want 1. And maybe some Gouramis, the opaline or gold ones. I understand they can be aggressive, have always wanted some but not sure how many would work well in this tank with some of these fish. Some websites mentioned only having one Gourami, am fine with this. Open to suggestions and want to know if this would be overstocked or not, and if these fish would get along. Would a pleco still be able to eat algae with moss covering the bottom of the tank? Thanks and I'm only thinking about these fish, it's not set in stone