How Many Angels In This Tank?


New Member
Aug 13, 2012
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Hi folks. I posted in the old world Cichlid section looking for tank ideas and I think I have settled on Angels. For reference the tank is 300l (4ft long, 18 inches tall) and planted. I currently have 5 (thought there were 6, one appears to have disappeared!) corys, 2 britlenose plecs, one rogue harlequin and an elderly female betta that I think needs euthanising. My stocking idea was:

2 bristlenose plecs
5 albino corys
6 Julii corys
20 Harlequin Rasbora
20 Black Widow tetra
(?) Angel fish

Does this sound sensible? And how many angels do you think I should put in? I would be buying young ones. My local aquatic centre is trying to flog me loads to 'fill up the tank' which is a load of c****. I would rather avoid having to rehome when they get too big!
Fab, I take it 1 male 1 female would be best? Hope they can sex them in the shop... Do you think I could fit a couple of gourami in there too?
I never had angels, but from reading about them I understand that you need to get a group of angels, let a mating pair develop and then you take out the rest. You don't just buy a male and a female?
I never had angels, but from reading about them I understand that you need to get a group of angels, let a mating pair develop and then you take out the rest. You don't just buy a male and a female?
You could get a male and female and hope for the best, but even sexing them of you get young ones will be pretty difficult.

But your right enough, the best way to pair them up would be to buy between 4-6 and wait for a pair to form, keep them and re-home the others.

And your tank is plenty big to get a gourami too.

The more I look into Angels the more I think getting a pair together sounds like a bit of a pain. I think (if possible) I may just get 1 Angel and 3 (1m 2F) pearl Gouramis. Maybe another type of Gourami too if they will fit. 1 happy health yAngel sounds better to me than having to rehome fighting ones (correct me if I'm wrong though!) Thanks for the help!
I think on the long run, it would be quite nice to have a pair of angels, to watch them kick about together. It's something I wish I had done before getting my angel.

But it DOES sound like a fair bit of long, drawn out hassle. And when you could just get 1, which looks awesome straight away, and live with that :D

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