How Embarrassing


Fish Herder
Tank of the Month 🏆
Oct 28, 2014
Reaction score
Carnoustie, Scotland
I got carried away with weekly maintenance on my juwel 260. I decided to take the filter apart and clean it, so I looked online to see how. Turns out it was the simplest of simple things so that was ok. While I was watching the video, I noticed the guy taking out the filter frame with the two sponge filters, then he reached down into the filter and pulled up ANOTHER filter frame with two more sponges, so of course I had to look. I did indeed have another frame in my tank which has been running now for around 18 months and it was THICK with crud.
No wonder I get zero nitrate readings, this thing must have been jam packed with bacteria and I hate to think what else.
If you have Shrimp and Kuhli Loaches in the tank its not unusual to find a bunch of them happily living in the bottom of the canister, Last time I cleaned mine I found about 20 Red Cherry Shrimp and 3 Kuhli loaches happily living there.
I no longer just dump the water in the canister on the garden I use a small brine shrimp net to sieve the water first.
My canister is siliconed in so not easy to remove. I didn't think of checking that out, but I haven't kept shrimps in there.
oh I'm chuckling away here Munroco!! I have a Jewel Rekord 800 and the filter just has sponges in a plastic 'tube' that pulls out in one piece. I knew though that the larger tanks had filter media 'tubes' like this though.
Now ... my friends hubby as a saying that he uses on my friend and on me if I ask him something and it's rather relevent here. It's 'RTFM' which stands for 'Read The ******* Manual' 
Hahaha!  Where's the fun in doing that!  Pull the manual out of the box and sling it as hard as you can over your shoulder 
Now ... my friends hubby as a saying that he uses on my friend and on me if I ask him something and it's rather relevent here. It's 'RTFM' which stands for 'Read The ******* Manual'
Hahaha!  Where's the fun in doing that!  Pull the manual out of the box and sling it as hard as you can over your shoulde
it's a man thing isn't it?!
Yes it is Men tried to read the manual once.
I have to admit I do throw the manual away sometimes and then sheepishly get it back when I get stuck on something :blush:
But honestly, I love figuring out how things work as I am an engineer by trade so a lot of times I forego the manual as learning how things work practically means its quicker for me to suss it out :p
And one last thing, even though the manual may be written in English, it may be as well be written in Japanese for all the sense it makes sometimes :x
My boyfriend's an engineer and he does the same. Funny that. I also like to figure out how things work but sometimes you just have to admit defeat :D

The Chinglish manuals are my favourite. Oh and ikea.
I'm another one that likes to try figuring it out for myself and it's not the first time I've ranted at flat pack manuals for being utterly dumb ... I do love my friends hubby's saying though ... me and my friend often refer to it lol

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