How Does Ph Affect My Fish?


Jun 9, 2012
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I tested my pH (for the first time) and it's 8.2. I have platies and gold barbs, and I read that the maximum pH they're comfortable in is 8.0. How does my water affect them? Is this why none of my platies are pregnant? :(

And also, should I do something to lower the pH? Thanks!
I tested my pH (for the first time) and it's 8.2. I have platies and gold barbs, and I read that the maximum pH they're comfortable in is 8.0. How does my water affect them? Is this why none of my platies are pregnant? :(

And also, should I do something to lower the pH? Thanks!

The ideal breeding ph for platies is 7.0 - 7.5 and between 6.0 - 8.0 for barbs i think. so overall i would aim for around neutral 7.0 should keep them happy :good:
Thanks for the quick reply :) I'm not sure I want to experiment with the pH changing chemicals... is there any other way of lowering pH?
You could add some bogwood or peatballs to lower the ph.

But to be honest, if they have been in it for a while and are happy enough I wouldn't tinker at all. They can adapt to higher ph, and it's better keeping it stable than tinkering and possibly giving them a shock by a huge drop.
Thanks for the quick reply :) I'm not sure I want to experiment with the pH changing chemicals... is there any other way of lowering pH?

you could try co2 you may wanna go down the diy route first save the expense but them you do have to monitor ph closely as it could affect it too much and the only way of controlling diy co2 is by removing it. im sure you can get stuff that changes the ph to a certain level and wont go any lower.
You could add some bogwood or peatballs to lower the ph.

But to be honest, if they have been in it for a while and are happy enough I wouldn't tinker at all. They can adapt to higher ph, and it's better keeping it stable than tinkering and possibly giving them a shock by a huge drop.


They've been in it for about 2 months. Do you think they'll still breed if I don't change the pH? I'd like some platy fry :hyper: (of course I would get a much bigger tank if one of them did get pregnant)
You could add some bogwood or peatballs to lower the ph.

But to be honest, if they have been in it for a while and are happy enough I wouldn't tinker at all. They can adapt to higher ph, and it's better keeping it stable than tinkering and possibly giving them a shock by a huge drop.


They've been in it for about 2 months. Do you think they'll still breed if I don't change the pH? I'd like some platy fry :hyper: (of course I would get a much bigger tank if one of them did get pregnant)

are they in a planted tank with lots of hiding places for the fry to hide? if not the fry will get eaten straight away just in case they do breed
I have a pH of 8.2 as well.

The pH measures the Acidity and Basic-ness of your water. In Chemistry the pH scale is 0 for the most acidic like Hydrochloric acid to 7 Which is neutral to 14 which is the most basic such as Bleach.
The ideal for an Aquarium, depending on what fish species you want to keep is between 6.5-7.8.
Have you checked the pH of your tape water? If you have gravel in your tank, depending on the type that can raise the pH.

The pH affects how comfortable the fish is in it`s environment. A pH that is to far outside of a fish`s preferred range will cause the fish to be unhappy, sometimes, if the fish is sensitive or the pH range is to great the fish will actually die with no apparent cause other than the habitat was simply not suitable for it.

Indeed a pH of 8.2 will cause fish to not breed, that`s the only good thing about pH of 8.2 with Live bearers, they don`t breed more quickly than rabbits.
Once they get acclimated to the water most fish go on and live happy lives, however they may not breed. (I haven`t had fry in months, which is nice, but also makes me aware that my fish may not be as happy as they could be.)

You don`t neeed to lower the pH, if you don`t want fry up the wazoo than leave the pH where it is and your Platy`s wont breed. If you do want fry than I recommend getting Reverse Osmosis water. Or even Rain water if you want to be totally clean. Rain water and RO water is called soft water, and it will dilute the pH in your tank because it`s pH (Should in theory, unless there is contamination) hover around the magic, neutral number 7.
You can order an Aquarium Specific RO unit for your tank, or you can find a local Water shop and buy large containers of RO water, (Or go to walmart, big clear plastic containers of RO are available for purchase and you can dilute your own tap water that way.)
I do not recommend buying any commercial chemicals that claim to lower the pH, they will for a few hours to a few days max and then the pH will shoot right back up, that much shift in pH over such a short time will be harmful to your fish.
The safest way to lower pH is to slowly start introducing a pH neutral water to your water changes and add some bog wood if you want (Though beware of Tannin (I believe it's called :p) in newly purchased bog wood as it will turn the tank water brown - it isn't harmful at all, it just makes the tank look dirty)
Yes, lots of fake and real plants for them :good:

@KrystaK: Thanks for the informative post :). My tap water is the same, 8.2. I think I might get some bogwood :good:
Honestly, once you have seen your first livebearer fry you will get bored after a while. Nowadays it's just "Oh look, another fry. Who could the mother be this time? Ah well, when it's big enough it will be sold.". It was exciting first and maybe second time, but now it's just old news :)
i suppose instead of using diy co2 you could try the co2 tablets, i dont really no nothing about how many and often you would dose but im sure a bit of research would tell you that. by dosing the right amount you should be able to maintain a steady ph level. just another way of altering your ph :)

Honestly, once you have seen your first livebearer fry you will get bored after a while. Nowadays it's just "Oh look, another fry. Who could the mother be this time? Ah well, when it's big enough it will be sold.". It was exciting first and maybe second time, but now it's just old news :)

very true you after a while you will be wanting to higher your ph to stop breeding :lol:
Honestly, once you have seen your first livebearer fry you will get bored after a while. Nowadays it's just "Oh look, another fry. Who could the mother be this time? Ah well, when it's big enough it will be sold.". It was exciting first and maybe second time, but now it's just old news :)

But they are so cute :hyper:! I'm also thinking about getting another tank to breed my gold barbs...

@whitmore: hmm, do you think what I could do is dose it down to 7 for a couple of weeks until they breed, then stop dosing and it'll come back up or would that be too stressful for the fish? :S
They are cute, I agree. But you realize they have babies every 28 days on average. And not just one, but quite a few. It does get old news. At one point I had over twenty orange little blotches in my tank. They were cute, but the whole tank just looked orange.
I dont think it would kill them but i dont think they would be very happy with a drastic change. i suppose if your tap water was ph 8 you could do small water changes every other day to get back up to your ph of 8?
They are cute, I agree. But you realize they have babies every 28 days on average. And not just one, but quite a few. It does get old news. At one point I had over twenty orange little blotches in my tank. They were cute, but the whole tank just looked orange.

Hmm, yes but perhaps after the first batch, I'll slowly bring my pH back up. :good:
Haha, did you sell all of them?! :eek:

I dont think it would kill them but i dont think they would be very happy with a drastic change. i suppose if your tap water was ph 8 you could do small water changes every other day to get back up to your ph of 8?

Good idea :lol:! I'll test out the co2 method. I never knew co2 could change pH. Plus maybe this way my plants will grow faster...

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